分享 Flower arrangement class
hingyinn 2010-3-4 16:01
Flower arrangement class
lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4 lesson 5 lesson 6 lesson 7
909 次閱讀|4 個評論 熱度 5
分享 Shopping Amsterdam!
hingyinn 2009-10-18 23:22
Shopping Amsterdam!
Although it took me 20euro to go to Amsterdam central, it wasworth going! The bulbs are cheap and the flowers are nice and fresh! tulips bulbs 10 for 3 euro only! Giant Hippeastrum - 2.75 euro!! 40 tulips for 10 euro I regret I didn't buy hyacinthacea ...
933 次閱讀|3 個評論 熱度 6
分享 Mysterious colour of the wishbone flower from newbie
hingyinn 2009-10-18 23:15
Mysterious colour of the wishbone flower from newbie
It should be yellow, but it turns out to be purple and white and yellow in the middle. I love it! However, after flowering, it died... rest in peace darling....
968 次閱讀|1 個評論 熱度 1
分享 yuwaiman2008年1月給我朱頂蘭--2009年7月開花了
hingyinn 2009-9-26 18:44
多謝yuwaiman年半前給我朱頂蘭--開花了 當我最無望, 死心以為自己唔會種出花之際, 花lum就喺呢個時候慢慢 “暮”出…好開心… 望有花睇真係望到頸都長…但因計計下其實由球根種到開花都只不過年半哩… 種花真係要比d耐性同恆心呀! 最後一幅相係佢而家個樣---子球拿走了, 剪咗好多葉… thx yuwaiman again le! ...
908 次閱讀|2 個評論 熱度 1
分享 噤右一個月喇newbie~~~佢哋嘅近況~~~
hingyinn 2009-9-26 18:17
首先出場係日日春~~~ 花係好靚呀!但講真,株型唔太滿意,想試試操刀修剪一下(修剪都係一門大學問嚟嫁ma...正想學吓...)不過又唔忍心剪咗d花同唔知等幾耐至再有花開... 愛上酢醬草! 第一次種酢醬草!佢生得好快,又可愛(左在我靚靚花盆襯托下!wakakaka),買飛佛! 最右 ...
928 次閱讀|2 個評論 熱度 1
分享 What have i been doing these days???
hingyinn 2009-9-16 13:59
What have i been doing these days???
Haven't written for a week, what have i been doing these days? Well, i've been working on my farm industrially --- the "happy farm"! I've been addicted to it, and feeling really wasting my time , but i'm really interestedin knowing how those cute seeds gr ...
548 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 Not a plant killer!!! (III) 夏菫
hingyinn 2009-9-8 13:29
Not a plant killer!!! (III) 夏菫
最擔心係呢棵夏菫, 前幾日幫佢瘦身,剪走d枯葉, 而家睇泥healthy咗d, (希望佢捱得幾耐得幾耐啦~~~) 今晚又要走喇,今次會小心”指導”亞媽點去照顧菫菫嫁喇! 瘦身前,枯葉多 瘦身後,清減咗 乖乖地,我會好好照顧你! 其實有出花苞嫁 ...
557 次閱讀|7 個評論 熱度 1
分享 Not a plant killer!! (II) 酢醬草
hingyinn 2009-9-8 12:57
Not a plant killer!! (II) 酢醬草
While I'm worrying about why the only leaf of my oxalis does not lay open during daytime, another leaf is coming out! small leaf coming out! the fragile leaf feels like falling off everytime when the wind blows... the leaf is too shy to open even during daytime...hope it ...
462 次閱讀|3 個評論 熱度 1
分享 Not a plant killer! (I) 日日春
hingyinn 2009-9-8 12:40
Not a plant killer! (I) 日日春
Brought back on 4 Sept, after a week, i try to give some more sunlight, look, it's so healthy! photo taken on 2009/9/8
537 次閱讀|5 個評論 熱度 2

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