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What have i been doing these days???

已有 546 次閱讀2009-9-16 13:59 |

Haven't written for a week, what have i been doing these days?
Well, i've been working on my farm industrially --- the "happy farm"!
I've been addicted to it, and feeling really wasting my time , but i'm really interested in knowing how those cute seeds grow and seeing the different stages and beautiful forms of different plants -- the carrots, the raddishs, the roses and the sunflowers...
and the main thing is, i dream to have my own farm!
Fortunately after some days i start to realize i have to come back to the real world. i still like this game (and somewhat hate it also), yes, i'm still addicted to it, but i learn to grow some "plants" with longer growing time....so that i won't keep visiting this "happy farm"...
hate those who steal my crops! you will get MY revenge  someday! ha! ha!

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