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Not a plant killer!!! (III) 夏菫

熱度 1已有 556 次閱讀2009-9-8 13:29 |






發表評論 評論 (7 個評論)

回復 newbie 2009-9-9 01:16
not bad but why so many leave seems get 'burn' :( 請同auntie講一係 "好早" 淋水,一早 "晚上" 淋, 日間最好唔好淋, 除非必要.另外"唔
好" 淋落 d葉度 !!! thanks all your good care on my babies ^^
回復 hingyinn 2009-9-10 11:56
newbie: not bad but why so many leave seems get 'burn' :( 請同auntie講一係 "好早" 淋水,一早 "晚上" 淋, 日間最好唔好淋, 除非必要.另外"
.....i dont know y either.......after i come back, i found 多咗枯葉....菫菫病病了.......may i ask for those who also get your 菫菫, can they survive in their home??
回復 newbie 2009-9-10 12:58
hingyinn: .....i dont know y either.......after i come back, i found 多咗枯葉....菫菫病病了.......may i ask for those who also get your 菫菫, can they survive i
did u put water on the leaves ????
1-2 pot i did put water on leaves by mistake.. then the leaves dry out..
so far only Mandy's one is healthy..
2 other flower friends just got it not for long time.. but so far so good
蕙蕙 all 3 died :((
do u want to get another one ??
回復 newbie 2009-9-10 13:22
WAH grow it in 農地都開左花啦... call me if u want... lets discuss
回復 hingyinn 2009-9-10 14:15
newbie: WAH grow it in 農地都開左花啦... call me if u want... lets discuss
p.s. i didnt put water on the leaves ga! dont worry!...btw, what soil do u use? u mix the soil yourself? i found ur soil is very good at absorbing water!
回復 newbie 2009-9-10 17:52
hingyinn: ...唔...我諗我唔要住喇...想好好照顧咗呢棵先...而且屋企地方唔多,亞媽唔比種噤多,多謝先!遲d再問你攞啦!
p.s. i didnt put water on the leaves ga! dont worry!...btw, w
i soil is from china. i bought from a flower friend. and i add some 'white small rock'
回復 newbie 2009-9-10 17:54
hingyinn: ...唔...我諗我唔要住喇...想好好照顧咗呢棵先...而且屋企地方唔多,亞媽唔比種噤多,多謝先!遲d再問你攞啦!
p.s. i didnt put water on the leaves ga! dont worry!...btw, w
if the soil dry quick itself means good... means the roots absorb water... :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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