用開苦楝油的, 還要買三益/清源保/綠油油嗎?

作者: WingWing 發表于 2012-6-11 10:51:35
6782 2
响社區園圃種開, 一直用苦楝油治理蟲害的. 下月開始會去私人田地繼續種, 田大幅咗, 環境郊外咗, 我估蟲害都會多咗...
想問吓只用若楝足夠嗎? 需要多買其他防蟲/殺蟲產品嗎?

如需要的話, search 咗一d有機產品, 邊隻好d呢?

Trilogy 70 三益
有效成份:70% Neem Oil (苦楝油)

Kingbo 清源保
有效成份:0.2% Oxymatrine (氧化苦參碱)、0.4% Psoralen (補骨內酯)

SK EnSpray99 綠油油
有效成份:99% Mineral Oil EC 礦物油

請指敎! 謝謝!

new1 發表於 2012-6-11 17:35:39 |顯示全部樓層

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stubborn 發表於 2012-6-11 20:03:37 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 stubborn 於 2012-6-11 20:04 編輯

Need oil 苦楝油 is only for protections.  A layer of oil thinly covers on the plants hopying the bad smell and taste will drive the bugs away.  Too thick, the plants cant breath...

三益 and 綠油油 working the same as 苦楝油 BUT 三益 has a small amount of poisions in it, though they claim it is ORGANIC.

清源保, to me, is the last defence line.  It is all poisions, also claim as ORGANIC.  It kills most bugs.

By the way, all three mostly made in CHINA.  

Well, as you know not only the food in China contain all kind of poisions... also the clothes, foodware...etc.  So when you see the pest control from China claim that they are ORGANIC... "Think twice."

On the other hand, we can feel better as long as we know what kind of poisions we added to our own veg., it is much saver than the veg. we bought in the market...    

Last but not least, " Ah Q 精神 " also made from China.

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