出售迷岩 (半義賣)已貼捐款收據

作者: jo_jo 發表于 2012-3-19 00:19:29
2715 14
本帖最後由 jo_jo 於 2012-4-3 00:53 編輯

出售以下迷岩側芽(一定有根,大部份有球 ~ 已定植最少3個月)
總額一半會捐助 : 香港動物領養中心
匯豐銀行 015-421-456-292

完結時本人會上載捐款收據, 謝謝!!

總額一半扣除作為捐款後, 餘下的一半收益5%捐贈 "香港園藝館"作經費


交收時間/地點:面交 深水埗地鐵站客務中心 - 交收日子可再安排

1. 請自備購物袋
2. 如有任何爭議,本人有權作出最後的決定
3. 請勿議價
4. 請花友48小時内自行PM本人留聯絡電話和安排交收日子及時間,請安排在14天内交收
5. 如不能接受上述事項者請勿下標

1st row (由左至右):
S. Scoundrel $50 mummy~已交收
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60 ckycky~已交收
S. Nora's Bohemian Rhapsody (剛出 lum) $90 lun190~已交收
S. Cherry Sprite $70
S. Ozark Rosy Tiger $50 lun190~已交收

2nd row (由左至右):
S. Yes $50 Karly~已交收
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60 lun190~已交收
S. Tai Pink $70
S. Goodwill $60 lun190~已交收
S. Pirate's Spanish Rose (剛出 lum) $120 lun190~已交收

3rd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60 Karly~已交收
S. Poupee (剛出 lum) $70 edward~已交收
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40 cancel
S. Sister Irenea $50 lun190~已交收

4nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Chippewa Merry Martha $70 Karly~已交收

5nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60 lun190~已交收
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. HCY's Purple Mist $60 lun190~已交收





jo_jo 發表於 2012-3-19 00:39:23 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 jo_jo 於 2012-3-19 00:45 編輯

S. An\'s Bom Dia.jpg
S. Cherry Berry.JPG
S. Cherry Sprite.jpg
S. Goodwill.jpg
S. HCY\'s Purple Mist.jpg
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn.jpg
S. Ozark Rosy Tiger.jpg
S. Raspberries n Cream.jpg
S. Sister Irenea.jpg
S. Yes.jpg

S. Emily ~ 重瓣,呢張只開單
S. Emily-a.jpg

S. Nora's Bohemian Rhapsody
S. Nora\'s Bohemian Rhapsody-a.jpg

S. Pirate's Spanish Rose
S. Pirate\'s Spanish Rose-d.jpg

S. Poupee (大花超迷)
S. Poupee-c.jpg

S. Tai Pink
S. Tai Pink-a.jpg

S. Scoundrel ~ 會因光綫已開以下 2 種唔同嘅花色
S. Scoundrel.jpg
S. Scoundrel -a.jpg

S. Chippewa Merry Martha ~ 重瓣,呢張只開單
S. Chippewa Merry Martha -a.jpg

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edward 發表於 2012-3-19 01:31:14 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 edward 於 2012-3-19 01:57 編輯

S. Poupee (剛出 lum) $70

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R-18 發表於 2012-3-19 01:59:47 |顯示全部樓層
本人新手, 請問以上品種有否紫色花既超迷岩?? 煩請回覆, Thz~


不過比我買左....^_^  發表於 2012-3-19 02:03
S. Poupee  發表於 2012-3-19 02:03

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R-18 發表於 2012-3-19 02:06:08 |顯示全部樓層
R-18 發表於 2012-3-19 01:59
本人新手, 請問以上品種有否紫色花既超迷岩?? 煩請回覆, Thz~

okok, 咁要再等下有冇其他花友放售啦!! Thz~

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jo_jo 發表於 2012-3-19 02:18:51 |顯示全部樓層
R-18 發表於 2012-3-19 01:59
本人新手, 請問以上品種有否紫色花既超迷岩?? 煩請回覆, Thz~



oic, 但除左 edward 所選既 S. Poupee , 半義賣 post 內其他都不是超迷岩??  發表於 2012-3-19 02:31

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jo_jo 發表於 2012-3-19 02:38:46 |顯示全部樓層
R-18 發表於 2012-3-19 02:06
okok, 咁要再等下有冇其他花友放售啦!! Thz~

半義賣 post 內其他都不是超迷岩?? yes


okok, Thz~  發表於 2012-3-19 12:23

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ckycky 發表於 2012-3-19 08:58:03 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ckycky 於 2012-3-19 09:05 編輯

1st row (由左至右):
S. Scoundrel $50
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60---ckycky(thz!)
S. Nora's Bohemian Rhapsody (剛出 lum) $90
S. Cherry Sprite $70
S. Ozark Rosy Tiger $50

2nd row (由左至右):
S. Yes $50
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60
S. Tai Pink $70
S. Goodwill $60
S. Pirate's Spanish Rose (剛出 lum) $120

3rd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Poupee (剛出 lum) $70 edward
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Sister Irenea $50

4nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Chippewa Merry Martha $70

5nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. HCY's Purple Mist $60

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mummy 發表於 2012-3-19 09:14:23 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 mummy 於 2012-3-19 09:15 編輯

1st row (由左至右):
S. Scoundrel $50 mummy
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60---ckycky(thz!)
S. Nora's Bohemian Rhapsody (剛出 lum) $90
S. Cherry Sprite $70
S. Ozark Rosy Tiger $50

2nd row (由左至右):
S. Yes $50
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60
S. Tai Pink $70
S. Goodwill $60
S. Pirate's Spanish Rose (剛出 lum) $120

3rd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Poupee (剛出 lum) $70 edward
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Sister Irenea $50

4nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Chippewa Merry Martha $70

5nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. HCY's Purple Mist $60

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lun190 發表於 2012-3-19 10:44:52 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 lun190 於 2012-3-19 11:06 編輯

1st row (由左至右):
S. Scoundrel $50 mummy
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60---ckycky(thz!)
S. Nora's Bohemian Rhapsody (剛出 lum) $90 (lun190)
S. Cherry Sprite $70
S. Ozark Rosy Tiger $50 (lun190)

2nd row (由左至右):
S. Yes $50
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60 (lun190)
S. Tai Pink $70
S. Goodwill $60 (lun190)
S. Pirate's Spanish Rose (剛出 lum) $120 (lun190)

3rd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Poupee (剛出 lum) $70 edward
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Sister Irenea $50 (lun190)

4nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Chippewa Merry Martha $70

5nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60 (lun190)
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. HCY's Purple Mist $60 (lun190)

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Karly0706 發表於 2012-3-20 10:13:44 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Karly0706 於 2012-3-20 10:15 編輯

1st row (由左至右):
S. Scoundrel $50 mummy
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60 ckycky
S. Nora's Bohemian Rhapsody (剛出 lum) $90 lun190
S. Cherry Sprite $70
S. Ozark Rosy Tiger $50 lun190

2nd row (由左至右):
S. Yes $50 - Karly
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60 lun190
S. Tai Pink $70
S. Goodwill $60 lun190
S. Pirate's Spanish Rose (剛出 lum) $120 lun190

3rd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60 - Karly
S. Poupee (剛出 lum) $70 edward
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Sister Irenea $50 lun190

4nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Chippewa Merry Martha $70 - Karly

5nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60 lun190
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. HCY's Purple Mist $60 lun190

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carmen 發表於 2012-3-21 16:16:52 |顯示全部樓層
1st row (由左至右):
S. Scoundrel $50 mummy
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60 ckycky~已交收
S. Nora's Bohemian Rhapsody (剛出 lum) $90 lun190~已交收
S. Cherry Sprite $70
S. Ozark Rosy Tiger $50 lun190~已交收

2nd row (由左至右):
S. Yes $50 Karly
S. An's Bom Dia (剛出 lum) $60 lun190~已交收
S. Tai Pink $70
S. Goodwill $60 lun190~已交收
S. Pirate's Spanish Rose (剛出 lum) $120 lun190~已交收

3rd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60 Karly
S. Poupee (剛出 lum) $70 edward
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Sister Irenea $50 lun190~已交收

4nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40
S. Chippewa Merry Martha $70 Karly

5nd row (由左至右):
S. Ozark Pink Popcorn $60 lun190~已交收
S. Raspberries 'n' Cream $60 ---carmen
S. Emily $60
S. Cherry Berry $40 ---carmen
S. HCY's Purple Mist $60 lun190~已交收

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mummy 發表於 2012-3-23 19:10:19 |顯示全部樓層

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jo_jo 發表於 2012-4-1 14:12:25 |顯示全部樓層
等了 10 日 carmen 仍冇約時間交收,是次交易取消

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jo_jo 發表於 2012-4-3 00:52:47 |顯示全部樓層
Total $910/2 $455 to 香港動物領養中心
5% to HKplants $23


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