Some more suspected cases...

作者: David 發表于 2008-1-28 23:07:59
1510 13
Originally, I was going to save some bbs as gifts for the flower show.
But may be its not such a good idea now...
More Suspected cases: (Please note that the centre leafs seems to be smaller and paler...)

[ 本帖最後由 David 於 2008-1-28 23:09 編輯 ]
Suspected AV (1)_resize.jpg
Suspected AV (3)_resize.jpg
Suspected AV (4)_resize.jpg
Suspected AV (5)_resize.jpg
Suspected AV (6)_resize.jpg
Suspected AV (8)_resize.jpg
Suspected AV (9)_resize.jpg
Suspected AV (11)_resize.jpg
feufeu 發表於 2008-1-28 23:53:34 |顯示全部樓層
David - are the centre leaves brittle, besides being curly & hairy?

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feufeu 發表於 2008-1-28 23:56:41 |顯示全部樓層
David, the following is information from Noel when my AVs are suffering from mites. For your reference please.
- Cold temperature; high humidity; poor ventilation & mites caused hairy leaves.
- Lack of sunlight caused leaves color problem.
- Tight; stunted; deformed or discolored center leaves mainly caused by mites.
- Yellow or bronze center leaves mainly caused by mites.
- Newborn leaves become stunted & crunchy was caused by mites.

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heiheimama 發表於 2008-1-28 23:57:31 |顯示全部樓層

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David 發表於 2008-1-29 00:17:29 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 feufeu 於 2008-1-28 23:53 發表
David - are the centre leaves brittle, besides being curly & hairy?

The centre leaves are still soft

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feufeu 發表於 2008-1-29 01:12:45 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 David 於 2008-1-29 00:17 發表

The centre leaves are still soft

Very tight centre with crunchy & deformed leaves is a distinguished characteristic of mites infection... at least from my previous experience. However, it's always safer for you to isolate those suspected ones and let's wait for comments of other 大大s.

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noel 發表於 2008-1-29 10:37:34 |顯示全部樓層
又唔係盆盆有,不過 "有咗" 果 d日子都唔短,所以全部做會
比較安全,你亦會安心 d嘛....right?

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David 發表於 2008-1-29 12:07:23 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 noel 於 2008-1-29 10:37 發表
又唔係盆盆有,不過 "有咗" 果 d日子都唔短,所以全部做會
比較安全,你亦會安心 d嘛....right?

Yes, will shower all of them with insecticide today

Even though more then 50% of my AV don't show any symptoms of mite, they have been in the same growing area for so long that they may become a carrier already?  On the other hand, if I seperate the more serious cases and I put them back in the same planting area when they get better, then I also risk a chance of re-infecting them?

So, my question is that if I need to isolate the more serious case at all from the rest?

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feufeu 發表於 2008-1-29 13:08:17 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 David 於 2008-1-29 12:07 發表

Yes, will shower all of them with insecticide today

Even though more then 50% of my AV don't show any symptoms of mite, they have been in the same growing area for so long that they may become  ...

David, beside insecticide, mites also hate high humidity. This would be another good reason for you to consider isolating those serious ones.

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花花公子 發表於 2008-1-29 14:19:44 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 David 於 2008-1-29 12:07 發表

Yes, will shower all of them with insecticide today

Even though more then 50% of my AV don't show any symptoms of mite, they have been in the same growing area for so long that they may become  ...

Dear David,
看來你的av已經中mite日子不短(起碼兩 個多月),只是你沒有發覺,可能你其餘植株已廣泛地受感染。

1.        你的花花主要是受cyclamen侵襲。觀察你先後post上來的照片,相信受cyclamen侵襲了一段不短日子,表面沒有徵兆的植株也有可能感染了。
2.        先將所有病株與健康植株隔離
3.        用漂白水徹底清潔擺放av的地方
4.        將受侵襲的葉子除去(保留一至兩盆情況較輕用作觀察學習),通常cyclamen 只愛咬嫩葉,所以受襲部位會集中在生長點。
5.        用Diazinon (1比200倍)噴灑所有av,包括健康的植株,葉面及葉底都要徹底的噴及噴濕所有植料。每隔7至10天噴一次,連續三次。
6.        將病株放入溫箱,或放入透明膠袋中,袋口要封實,每週打開透氣一次即可,這樣會使較快生長及回復。
7.        噴藥後細心留意情況是否有惡化,特別是那些健康的植株,一般來說噴了兩次藥後情況就會受控制。
8.        病情當穩定後,要細心留意是否有復發跡象,並定期噴neen oil作防蟲工作每1-2個月噴neen oil防蟲一次,當一切回復穩定,可將噴藥防蟲次數減為2-3月一次。
9.        病情受控制,植株回復正常後,是可以與健康的植株共同存放。

Happy Growing!!!

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八王爺 發表於 2008-1-29 14:22:25 |顯示全部樓層
直情係 深切治療房 ........

我冧我都係  丟掉算!

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Fonica 發表於 2008-1-29 14:25:21 |顯示全部樓層

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David 發表於 2008-1-29 16:55:21 |顯示全部樓層
原帖由 花花公子 於 2008-1-29 14:19 發表

Dear David,
看來你的av已經中mite日子不短(起碼兩 個多月),只是你沒有發覺,可能你其餘植株已廣泛地受感染。
『掉棄』可能是被認為最徹底及最容易的做法,相對『拯救』是困難的及需要耐性,但『拯救』的過程會豐富你種a ...

Thanks 花花公子, very detail explanation.  Looks like I will have a lot to do before the flower show then...
Hopefully, I'll be able to save some of them

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lala 發表於 2008-1-29 21:27:29 |顯示全部樓層
睇完以上分享,令我心慌慌兼疑神疑鬼... 好在有花花公子詳盡講解。我會今個 weekend 開壇作法!!

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