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有新芽同新花苞,有希望啦 !!

已有 541 次閱讀2009-5-14 09:15 |

有新芽同花苞,有希望啦.....開心到暈 !!

請大家為 ”靚到暈” 打氣 
thanks a lot
好快又會有花啦,好似佢咁靚架 yeah !!! 仲有可以住大屋 

" 花士令 36分鐘前  
有冇止暈丸呀.... "

大家有無 止暈丸 recommend 呀 ? 要香到暈左都醒得番:)  --- finding rosemary now !!!

發表評論 評論 (32 個評論)

回復 Juna 2009-5-14 09:19
你有咁多 "靚到暈"
回復 yannes 2009-5-14 09:20
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 09:22
Juna: 你有咁多 "靚到暈"
thanks.. this "靚到暈" is from 黃靚靚 ^^
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 09:22
yannes: 我...真係暈了...(因為靚到暈)
yes ah......... u cant believe it sooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 09:24
yannes: 我...真係暈了...(因為靚到暈)
have u read this ? hehee

回復 花士令 2009-5-14 12:07
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 12:13
花士令: 有冇止暈丸呀....
止暈丸 製作中
不過 "靚到暈安眠藥"  準備定失眠用都好架
回復 Juna 2009-5-14 12:30
newbie: 止暈丸 製作中不過 "靚到暈安眠藥"  準備定失眠用都好架http://hkplants.com/home/space-5413-do-blog-id-1945.html
這個可以嗎? 我睇到唔捨得訓
回復 laitungfamily 2009-5-14 12:30
好在好在~~ 食左newbie牌止暈丸, 又可以繼續欣賞
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 12:34
laitungfamily: 真係靚到暈喎....點算....
好在好在~~ 食左newbie牌止暈丸, 又可以繼續欣賞
ha..... where / what is the 止暈丸 ?!?!?! oh my god !!

now i really i invite u and Juna to 'create' one ah....

un ng understand , my honey ?!?!?
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 12:38
Juna: http://hkplants.com/home/space-4191-do-album-picid-29024.html
這個可以嗎? 我睇到唔捨得訓
唔捨得訓 ah -----> then this is "唔捨得訓" coffee wor  <---- 又要註冊 la

but 止暈丸 is we need something 暈暈地 but then can suddenly "jump up"     continue to find pls darling hehehee
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 12:41
laitungfamily: 真係靚到暈喎....點算....
好在好在~~ 食左newbie牌止暈丸, 又可以繼續欣賞
look look this one : "人在花中 心在笑"

what do u think ???? but u need ask ask webalex hehee

i need to go out now.. u talk to him la...
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 12:44
Juna: http://hkplants.com/home/space-4191-do-album-picid-29024.html
這個可以嗎? 我睇到唔捨得訓
and 止暈丸 好似有 d 味好d,  because 暈暈ing cant see things clearly !!
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 12:44
laitungfamily: 真係靚到暈喎....點算....
好在好在~~ 食左newbie牌止暈丸, 又可以繼續欣賞
oooh BUT ...
止暈丸 好似有 d 味好d,  because 暈暈ing cant see things clearly !!
回復 nuage 2009-5-14 13:02
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 13:31
nuage: 太陽花﹗
yes also called 闊葉牡丹
回復 nuage 2009-5-14 13:34
newbie: yes also called 闊葉牡丹
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 13:35
nuage: 係單瓣闊葉牡丹
this one is 重瓣, thats why sooooooooo beautiful !!
回復 nuage 2009-5-14 13:44
newbie: this one is 重瓣, thats why sooooooooo beautiful !!
回復 newbie 2009-5-14 13:48
nuage: 唔似重瓣喎﹗但係真係好靚
oh.. hehe than 1/2 1/2 la hahaa
still 靚到暈

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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