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newbie的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?5413 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來 之終於大個女啦 ^^ 仲開左好靚的花花,仲兩次呀 ,yeah :) ...

熱度 5已有 1653 次閱讀2013-7-24 23:14

忍唔住要出個 post .. hehehheeheee 

兩年前的少女 (左)@ 22 aug 2011 from Billy litle brother ^^

today ... heheeee :)

add oil lums lums lums lums lums  ^_^

發表評論 評論 (14 個評論)

回復 ylee 2013-7-25 09:45
so many lum lum   add oil
回復 ChowChow 2013-7-25 10:32
盆仔細細,lum lum 多多
回復 newbie 2013-7-25 22:09
ylee: so many lum lum    add oil
thanks sister :) hope less heavy rain la ..... @@
回復 newbie 2013-7-25 22:10
ChowChow: 盆仔細細,lum lum 多多
thanks sister ... about 1 mth ago, i gave many fat to her la hehehee :) finally has lums now but still need to wait wait wait ...... need add oil !!!
回復 N-Blythe 2013-7-26 09:11
Waiting for your beautiful fa fa
回復 newbie 2013-7-27 17:09
N-Blythe: Waiting for your beautiful fa fa
thank you .. hope less rain and more sun light la ^^
回復 小紅楓 2013-10-1 07:51
newbie, you are a green finger,  jealous,  I bring mine one here, 3 years already, still 3 leaves, almost die ......
回復 小紅楓 2013-10-1 07:51
newbie, you are a green finger,  jealous,  I bring mine one here, 3 years already, still 3 leaves, almost die ......
回復 newbie 2013-10-5 00:44
小紅楓: newbie, you are a green finger,  jealous,  I bring mine one here, 3 years already, still 3 leaves, almost die ......
thanks sister , u add oil la !!
I just added more fafa photos, 其實係之前開架,but busy and lazy didnt post, hope u like it ^^ hehe ^^
回復 newbie 2013-10-5 00:45
N-Blythe: Waiting for your beautiful fa fa
fafa opened long time ago la, finally added pics here :)
回復 newbie 2013-10-5 00:45
ChowChow: 盆仔細細,lum lum 多多
added new pics, hope u like it ^^ hehe ^^
回復 ChowChow 2013-10-5 09:00
newbie: added new pics, hope u like it ^^ hehe ^^
aiya 你影得好靚呀

回復 N-Blythe 2013-10-5 10:35
newbie: fafa opened long time ago la, finally added pics here :)
So nice fa fa
回復 ChanKwingYin 2018-7-4 22:46

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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