熱度 9
* 1. billy *
2. newbie
3. ylee
4. ht333147
5. 適少少
6. caca8j
7. silicon
各位星期一旺角朗豪坊八月軒book了6:45pm 國藝館譚先生八位
http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=50874®ion=0&s=3newbie: did u try to load hkplant by google ? when i was in canada, very slow if i use IE .. try google :) good luck and miss u !! take care !!!!
newbie: billy now in taiwan studying ah ... study something about 園藝 / planting .. i cant remember the exact terms hehe but sure something related to planti ...
newbie: billy now in taiwan studying ah ... study something about 園藝 / planting .. i cant remember the exact terms hehe but sure something related to planti ...
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