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farewell our dearest BILLY on 19 Aug 2013 MONDAY dinner !! pls join us !!

熱度 9已有 3361 次閱讀2013-8-11 22:07

our dearest billy will be leaving HK soon ........ 
lets have a farewell dinner party for him on

Monday 19 Aug 2013 , venue to be confirm , should be at Kowloon side

pls sign up to join !!! thank you :)

* 1. billy *
2. newbie
3. ylee
4. ht333147
5. 適少少 
6. caca8j
7. silicon

各位星期一旺角朗豪坊八月軒book了6:45pm 國藝館譚先生八位

3542 5768

發表評論 評論 (65 個評論)

回復 小紅楓 2013-10-9 03:12
newbie: did u try to load hkplant by google ? when i was in canada, very slow if i use IE .. try google :) good luck and miss u !! take care !!!!
I am using mac 機 safari, 咁或者係 network 慢   ,anyway, thanks  
回復 小紅楓 2013-10-9 03:17
newbie: billy now in taiwan studying ah ... study something about 園藝 / planting .. i cant remember the exact terms hehe but sure something related to planti ...
wow, 真好,讀自己喜歡的,一大樂事。我就慘喇,舊年年尾搬左屋有大花園,但之後患了 sunlight allegy, can't do anymore outdoor gardening :(  空有一個大花園     so sad
回復 小紅楓 2013-10-9 03:17
newbie: billy now in taiwan studying ah ... study something about 園藝 / planting .. i cant remember the exact terms hehe but sure something related to planti ...
wow, 真好,讀自己喜歡的,一大樂事。我就慘喇,舊年年尾搬左屋有大花園,但之後患了 sunlight allegy, can't do anymore outdoor gardening :(  空有一個大花園     so sad
回復 newbie 2013-10-16 23:08
oh my dear ... sunlight allegy ??? never heard of this .. so are u ok? 有無乜唔舒服?會唔會later無事可以晒得番太陽?  。。。pls take good care la !!
回復 newbie 2013-10-16 23:09
小紅楓: I am using mac 機 safari, 咁或者係 network 慢    ,anyway, thanks   
ic .. i am using MAC but goggle .. u may try try too :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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