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三姊妹 ~ 花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來

熱度 3已有 1828 次閱讀2013-2-27 16:32 | mandy, mandy, mandy

莫小姐太靚啦,去年問左好多花友送比我,終於有三棵開左啦,同一時間開,真係好朋友啦 hehe :)
今晚二姊要送比好友KAT啦,SAT三妹都會去ANGEL家/OFFICE住啦 hehe :)

thanks ylee, Juna, mandy, yeahyeah, catherine, chauchau etc etc, cant remember who else who gifted me before la hehee 

others ms mok some has lums too , yeah ^^ 遲D又可以將愛分享比我D好朋友啦:)

花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來

同場加影 ylee 的 'sky', the fafa is bigger than ms mok ga , love her so much too ^^

但唔該小D紅,多D "LIME" ^^heheheeeeeee 

lovely fafa ~~~

quick quick quick plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ........... my neck sooooooooooooooooooo LONG 

發表評論 評論 (24 個評論)

回復 chau_lyc 2013-2-27 16:51
hahaaaa, 有我個名
回復 newbie 2013-2-27 16:53
chau_lyc: hahaaaa, 有我個名
yes .. but i think u gifted me venus not ms mok BUT i still love u hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
回復 chau_lyc 2013-2-27 16:57
newbie: yes .. but i think u gifted me venus not ms mok BUT i still love u hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bingo, venus ar
回復 newbie 2013-2-27 17:18
chau_lyc: bingo, venus ar
yes i know but dont know if u have gifted me ms mok too la :)
回復 chau_lyc 2013-2-27 17:19
newbie: yes i know but dont know if u have gifted me ms mok too la :)
回復 newbie 2013-2-27 17:21
so u will go to macau on 3rd ?
回復 chau_lyc 2013-2-27 17:23
newbie: so u will go to macau on 3rd ?
吾啦, 行得吾耐
回復 newbie 2013-2-27 17:49
chau_lyc: 吾啦, 行得吾耐
kk rest rest la
回復 ylee 2013-2-27 22:01
Ha Ha, Ms MOK is also my BB. This is the lucky draw from the flower gathering in CITY U.
好彩有比你 遲d要問你拎兩絛虫,我個兩棵都仙遊了
回復 ylee 2013-2-27 22:08
the last one is  
回復 newbie 2013-2-27 22:26
ylee: Ha Ha, Ms MOK is also my BB. This is the lucky draw from the flower gathering in CITY U.
好彩有比你 遲d要問你拎兩絛虫,我個兩棵都仙遊了[em ...
ms mok has whole plant for u :) sky sky need to wait wait wait ......... @@ need to wait till all fafa gone .. dont want to take the BB out from soil now ah :) last one is ......... heheheee .. wait then u will know but i am sure u know what colour is it hehee :)
回復 newbie 2013-2-27 22:27
ylee: Ha Ha, Ms MOK is also my BB. This is the lucky draw from the flower gathering in CITY U.
好彩有比你 遲d要問你拎兩絛虫,我個兩棵都仙遊了[em ...
yes but dont know which one is YOURS heheee :) but sure yrs still alive ^^
回復 newbie 2013-2-27 22:27
ylee: Ha Ha, Ms MOK is also my BB. This is the lucky draw from the flower gathering in CITY U.
好彩有比你 遲d要問你拎兩絛虫,我個兩棵都仙遊了[em ...
yes but dont know which one is YOURS heheee :) but sure yrs still alive ^^
回復 ylee 2013-2-27 22:36
sure! Yellow
回復 ylee 2013-2-27 22:40
thank you sweet heart   
回復 newbie 2013-2-27 22:41
ylee: sure! Yellow
SURE BINGO LA hehee :)
回復 Juna 2013-2-28 09:31
回復 newbie 2013-2-28 11:37
開左啦開左啦開左啦 :)開左啦開左啦開左啦 :)
回復 newbie 2013-2-28 11:37
開左啦開左啦開左啦 :)開左啦開左啦開左啦 :)
回復 newbie 2013-2-28 11:37
chau_lyc: hahaaaa, 有我個名
開左啦開左啦開左啦 :)開左啦開左啦開左啦 :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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