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新年"花"開始 花開富貴 AND 花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來 ^_^

熱度 5已有 1562 次閱讀2013-2-20 05:15

newbie 近期最愛的meow 愈看愈愛她 加埋 billy gifted me the lovely 炸炸, I love u ALL 

ylee last year gifted a little meow to me, after about 9 months, many many lums la !! 
i love the colour so much and 前排開的第一朵花到而家仲未謝呀, more than 3 weeks, 勁!
LEE 朵今天開, 好鬼靚呀 !!!! 仲好大大大朵架 :)
and many many lumsssssssss wowowwwwwwwwwww  thanks again & again YLEE my honey 

these 2 little 炸炸 so lovely, small small but so cute and nice colour too !! thanks BILLY 

仲有我最期待的花花。。。。。。。。快D開 快D開 快D開

送埋自己比大家,送你們一個  佢係 newbie = 蕙蘭   

發表評論 評論 (12 個評論)

回復 ylee 2013-2-20 13:28
嘩!真是好多LUM LUM BEAUTIFUL!!!你種得好好
回復 Juna 2013-2-20 14:05
回復 DORA 2013-2-20 15:33
How come you can create so many lum lum ah? Just miracle!           
回復 keung 2013-2-20 23:40
回復 newbie 2013-2-21 01:19
ylee: 嘩!真是好多LUM LUM BEAUTIFUL!!!你種得好好
thanks sister .. i am waiting more and more fafa open la !! must be very very prettie la ^^
回復 newbie 2013-2-21 01:19
回復 newbie 2013-2-21 01:19
DORA: How come you can create so many lum lum ah? Just miracle!                    
thanks sister .. always giver them fat lor :) heheeee
回復 newbie 2013-2-21 01:20
keung: 花開富貴
多謝 bro :)
回復 DORA 2013-2-21 05:37
回復 Juna 2013-2-21 07:52
回復 cara 2013-2-22 16:41
回復 newbie 2013-2-22 18:40
cara:    貓開富貴
thank you ^^^^^^^^^^^

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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