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5月26日 (星期六) tea one tea ^^ welcome to join ^^

熱度 6已有 1364 次閱讀2012-5-21 17:34 |個人分類:Sinn

As i see some flower friends will go to flower market coming sat at around 1:30 - 1:45pm
how about lets tea one tea @ around 2pm? ^^ hehee ^^
all welcome to join 

wow Sinn Leo B 有新朋友 :) gift from yulechen ^^

tea one tea party - afternoon tea  :

1. newbie

2. ylee

3. evalam

4. cara

5. catherine

由五個人變到十位出現, 好開心啦

發表評論 評論 (82 個評論)

回復 newbie 2012-6-15 20:05
WAH:    咁去食野喇
diet now .. later la :)
回復 WAH 2012-6-16 12:25
newbie: diet now .. later la :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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