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BB 寫真集 :)

熱度 10已有 868 次閱讀2012-4-10 23:20

wow many babies at home ah 
來個 "寫真集" 快高長大開花結子啦 

from SSCP , 之前D old leaves almost all dried 
now new leaves coming out la, happy ^^

K Mother Lipstick babies ^^

should be Sinn sp LQ .... but not sure ^^

K Clytie babies

bring back from Canada, 你地係HK種花愈種愈靚, 我係加國就愈種愈死, 得番條虫, 仲要咁細

返港後好耐先出番D葉仔, add oil baby !! by the way, dont know who is it baby la @@ haha

gift from Catherine , now have 2 babies and 1 mother , new stems are coming out from the mother, yeah !! when i was in canada, have fa fa opened but no one take photo :(

白香岩我一定要種到有花........... PLEASE!!!!!!

我最期待的花花之一 , add oil  babies !!!!!!!! ^^

and ......... many other babies ........ ^^ lazy to describe la hahaaa ^^

this baby exchanged from flower friend, 之前個TOP斷左好傷心,好彩出番啦 yeah !!

ops so much water cos just finished watering hehee .. dont worry ^^

these babies - Sinn Mark Twain  係加國播種架,成功 bring back home !!

babiessssssssssss 快D大啦 ^^

發表評論 評論 (40 個評論)

回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-11 09:12
一齊大晒點算 睇吾晒咁多
回復 DORA 2012-4-11 09:22
回復 mandywowo 2012-4-11 09:28
回復 Juna 2012-4-11 10:17
加油呀  bbs
回復 cara 2012-4-11 23:13
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 08:28
chau_lyc: 一齊大晒點算 睇吾晒咁多
yes yes .. more more more still can handle ga hehee ^^
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 08:28
yes babies add oil .. thanks for your support ^^
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 08:29
mandywowo:    快D大
thanks & must 快D大大大大大大大大大大大大大  
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 08:29
Juna: 加油呀  bbs
thanks 'Auntie Juna'  
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 08:30
    yeah ! i love babies  
回復 DORA 2012-4-12 08:49
newbie: yes babies add oil .. thanks for your support ^^
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 08:54
回復 Juna 2012-4-12 09:23
newbie: thanks 'Auntie Juna'   
回復 celiaw 2012-4-12 12:00
嘩! 咁多bb? 你真係好有愛心!
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 12:03
celiaw: 嘩! 咁多bb? 你真係好有愛心!
not really la but thanks .. i sowed many seeds .. but babies to weak .. i killed many babies .. so sad + cry .............  
回復 celiaw 2012-4-12 12:32
newbie: not really la but thanks .. i sowed many seeds .. but babies to weak .. i killed many babies .. so sad + cry .............   
健康bb大咗又會有更多種子比你播, 唔使sad + cry.....
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 12:34
celiaw: 健康bb大咗又會有更多種子比你播, 唔使sad + cry.....
but some babies very weak ... dont know if can grown up @@ .............
回復 celiaw 2012-4-12 12:37
newbie: but some babies very weak ... dont know if can grown up @@ .............
希望在明天, 我幫你打氣!     
回復 適少少 2012-4-12 20:04
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 21:30
heheeeeeeeeeee so many    ^^ the peanut still no fafa @@

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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