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babies calling 靚媽 :) heheheeee ^_^ 唔好怕醜, 入來啦 .... 係你啦 !!

熱度 5已有 995 次閱讀2012-3-28 12:40

點解要開日誌 搵 媽咪   .............. 因為 ....................

因為 ----> newbie 係傻架 kakakaka
because the babies so healthy .. very happy ah , 忍唔住 要 同大家 分享下 :)
do u remember who are these 2 babies ? ^^

about 3 weeks ago they are like this : 都大得幾快呀 :)

同場加影 ------------------- 燈燈燈燈 ................
似番一棵植物的 $15 ....... yeah !!!!!!!!!!
soooooooooooooooo happpppppppy
i will add oil , sooooooon will have fafa ga la

發表評論 評論 (31 個評論)

回復 chau_lyc 2012-3-28 12:49
回復 SSCP 2012-3-28 12:49
haha~第一'二張相 係 Diastema Racemiferum..我嗰D同佢差不多大,係姐妹,而家已經有花LUM LA,你嗰D都應該好快會有花花..ADD OIL
回復 wilson11 2012-3-28 13:33
回復 Juna 2012-3-28 14:46
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 15:06
SSCP: haha~第一'二張相 係 Diastema Racemiferum..我嗰D同佢差不多大,係姐妹,而家已經有花LUM LA,你嗰D都應該好快會有花花..ADD OIL   ...
DR babies : ooohhhhhhhhhhhh i miss U Mum      so happy u come here & say hi to us hehehee ... wowowwww elder sister has lums, ooh thats wonderful, cant wait to see the fafa ... !!!! we will add oil .. !! and new mum newbie treats us very good ah.. so we are growing fast la heheheee ^^ u dont need to worry la ^^
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 15:07
chau_lyc: 吾係我
your baby ........... hmmmmmmmmmmm .... bear bear hand sun bathing hehehee :)
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 15:07
wilson11: 叫我物事a
oh my god, u want to be  奶媽 ?? by the way, u seems owe me a lots of thiings ... when come out to meet me ah ??
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 15:08
Juna: 都唔係我丫   
yours not baby la hehe .. hope can have fafa soon ^^
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 15:09
wilson11: 叫我物事a
by the way, hows yr $15 ?
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 15:12
SSCP: haha~第一'二張相 係 Diastema Racemiferum..我嗰D同佢差不多大,係姐妹,而家已經有花LUM LA,你嗰D都應該好快會有花花..ADD OIL   ...
sweetie SSCP, these babies afriad ng afraid sun light / hot ga ? i place them near the window with strong sun light in the afternoon, is that ok ? but inside a plastic cup :)
回復 SSCP 2012-3-28 15:30
newbie: DR babies : ooohhhhhhhhhhhh i miss U Mum          so happy u come here & say hi to us hehehee ... wowowwww elder sister has lums, ooh that ...
回復 SSCP 2012-3-28 15:31
newbie: sweetie SSCP, these babies afriad ng afraid sun light / hot ga ? i place them near the window with strong sun light in the afternoon, is that ok ? but ...
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 15:44
SSCP: 我比佢地晒,但冇入溫室,不過可能你入溫室,佢地d葉會靚d~
icic .. they love sun bathing , yeah !! ^^ cant wait to see your fafa photos la !! thanks sweetie ^^
回復 wilson11 2012-3-28 15:50
回復 wilson11 2012-3-28 15:50
newbie: by the way, hows yr $15 ?
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 15:53
wilson11: 有lum消lum
aiyo ............... :( is it not enough water ? when have lums need a little bit water ... try try la !! at least still alive then good la !!
回復 wilson11 2012-3-28 16:18
newbie: aiyo ............... :( is it not enough water ? when have lums need a little bit water ... try try la !! at least still alive then good la !!
回復 Juna 2012-3-28 16:20
newbie: yours not baby la hehe .. hope can have fafa soon ^^
回復 chau_lyc 2012-3-28 16:42
newbie: your baby ........... hmmmmmmmmmmm .... bear bear hand sun bathing hehehee :)
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 17:17
wilson11: 遵命
good boy la !!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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