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"駛唔駛咁快" - 有獎有戲 :)

熱度 7已有 1617 次閱讀2012-3-7 15:04 |個人分類:game

ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa
its 10. Convolvulus tricolour  ^^
they are now : 

growing a bit slower than expected, maybe not enough sun lx

wow .. i was back to HK on sat nite ,
sunday early morning quick quick sowed many seeds ....
these babies "駛唔駛咁快" 2日就趕住同花友你地見面呀 !!  hehee 好叻呀 !!!
見佢地咁叻, set a game to play play la :)

大家估下佢地係乜野 babies :)  
有得比你地 select ^^


1. Layia platygossa 'Tidy Tips'  潔頂菊

2. Linaria maroccana 'Northern Lights Mixed' 柳穿魚

3. chrysanthemum carinatum 'Polar Star'  花環菊

4. Calendula officinalis nana 'Fruit Twist'  金盞花

5. polemonium boreale 'Heavenly Habit'  

6. Dianthus barbatus nigrescens 'Sooty'  西洋石竹

7. poppy 'Pink Fizz' 

8. Mesembryanthemum criniflorum 'Apricot Tutu'

9. Nemesia cheiranthus 'Shooting Stars'

10. Convolvulus tricolour  三色旋花

獎品 可以 select 其中 1-2 babies 啦 or 白香岩球根 or  an air kiss from newbie , HAHAHAA ^^

唔要獎品 都可以玩下 support 下 D babies, 等佢地 快高長大 開花結子 :) 

good luck & have fun ^^


發表評論 評論 (82 個評論)

回復 newbie 2012-3-8 07:40
caca8j: 7 希望啱
thanks for yr support :) and ............. u can change yr answer anytime if u want heheee
回復 newbie 2012-3-8 07:41
適少少: 散貨 我有位
ho ho ho .. do u want 花貓 ?
回復 celiaw 2012-3-8 09:56
newbie: but u can change yr answer any time ... ^^
我都係轉 10. Convolvulus tricolour
回復 newbie 2012-3-8 10:25
celiaw: 我都係轉 10. Convolvulus tricolour
clever ah heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
回復 celiaw 2012-3-8 10:31
newbie: clever ah heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
回復 caca8j 2012-3-8 11:04
回復 newbie 2012-3-8 12:56
caca8j: 咁我揀2啦
hmmmmm............. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  
回復 newbie 2012-4-11 00:05
wilson11: no. 5
ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa
its 10. Convolvulus tricolour
回復 newbie 2012-4-11 00:05
SSCP: 我鍾意6 字,就估6 喇
ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa
its 10. Convolvulus tricolour
回復 newbie 2012-4-11 00:05
ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa
its 10. Convolvulus tricolour
回復 newbie 2012-4-11 00:05
celiaw: 我又估吓先!   7. poppy 'Pink Fizz'
ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa
its 10. Convolvulus tricolour
回復 newbie 2012-4-11 00:06
caca8j: 7 希望啱
ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa
its 10. Convolvulus tricolour
回復 Juna 2012-4-11 07:47
newbie: ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa
its 10. Convolvulus tricolour
oh! thank you
回復 celiaw 2012-4-11 08:57
newbie: ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa
its 10. Convolvulus tricolour
我轉咗10.Convolvulus tricolour啦.....好在跟mandy!
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 11:41
celiaw: 我轉咗10.Convolvulus tricolour啦.....好在跟mandy!
hehee .. so u want the 白香岩 root ? have many leaves la
回復 celiaw 2012-4-12 11:47
newbie: hehee .. so u want the 白香岩 root ? have many leaves la
好呀! 多謝!
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 11:54
celiaw: 好呀! 多謝!
will u join coming gathering on 21/4 ?
回復 celiaw 2012-4-12 11:56
newbie: will u join coming gathering on 21/4 ?
回復 newbie 2012-4-12 12:01
celiaw: 果日有事呀!   
ooh .. so how can i give u ? any of yr friends will go who can help u to get ? when do u live / work ga ?
回復 celiaw 2012-4-12 12:23
newbie: ooh .. so how can i give u ? any of yr friends will go who can help u to get ? when do u live / work ga ?
唔知你約咗邊d花友? 或者請mandy幫忙, 比少少keep住先啦!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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