分享 "駛唔駛咁快" - 有獎有戲 :)
newbie 2012-3-7 15:04
ops .. forgot to tell the answer hahaa its 10. Convolvulus tricolour ^^ they are now : growing a bit slower than expected, maybe not enough sun lx wow .. i was back to HK on sat nite , sunday early morning quick quick sowed many seeds .... these babies "駛 ...
個人分類: game|1642 次閱讀|82 個評論 熱度 7
分享 又搵d野估下 :)
newbie 2011-7-23 06:25
又搵d野估下 :)
請問大家知唔知佢係乜野花? msg me your answer pls .. 最快估中有 神秘花花禮物一份 +   (if u want, kakakaa) 係 "夜來香" ^^ hehee .. this is her mother la ^^
個人分類: game|1170 次閱讀|63 個評論 熱度 9
分享 2010年度 花花之最 ..... 大家想唔想提名玩下呀 ?!?!
newbie 2011-2-16 10:54
i left hk over 1 year and no chance to log in this website, when i am back, i saw so many new friends here, great ! and sooooooo soooooooo many nice flower photos uploaded !!!! 大家想唔想提名一下 2010 年度 花花之最 呀 ? can be the 最靚 , 最浪漫, 最珍貴 , 最想擁有 etc etc be ...
個人分類: game|760 次閱讀|39 個評論 熱度 13

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