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2010年度 花花之最 ..... 大家想唔想提名玩下呀 ?!?!

熱度 13已有 749 次閱讀2011-2-16 10:54 |個人分類:game|

i left hk over 1 year and no chance to log in this website,
when i am back, i saw so many new friends here, great !
and sooooooo soooooooo many nice flower photos uploaded !!!!
大家想唔想提名一下  2010 年度 花花之最 呀 ? 
can be the 最靚 , 最浪漫, 最珍貴 ,  最想擁有 etc etc
because i saw some photos , the fa fa are sooooooo 靚 / 想擁 /
珍貴 etc ..
i can feel that 種花者的心血 ..... so want to
表揚一下佢地 and share their happiness
as we may missed some nice photos
any1 want to play this game ah ? hehehheeee
but seems many flower friends are very busy now .......

ops. .. i forgot how to share others' photo here\
any one can teach me how to do pls ??? ^^ thank you :)


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回復 Evalam 2011-2-16 11:14
回復 chau_lyc 2011-2-16 11:18
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 11:33
Evalam: 我想玩..不過未有花
its 2010 ah huni.... take some time to look yr at photos albums or others la ..un ng un hehehe :)
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 11:33
chau_lyc: 支持
great .. thanks.. so we start looking at our photos album of 2010 and others la.. we can vote our photos or others la heheheee
回復 Evalam 2011-2-16 11:36
newbie: its 2010 ah huni.... take some time to look yr at photos albums or others la ..un ng un hehehe :)
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 11:37
Evalam: 以為要依家開緊添
go go go :) can have many votes heheheeee
and pls NAME them ^^ good luck ^^
回復 Evalam 2011-2-16 12:16
newbie: go go go :) can have many votes heheheeee
and pls NAME them ^^ good luck ^^
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 12:25
Evalam: 你得閒又幫我搵搵囉
ok :) let me go and look look yr album now la.... but u know i only like yellow fa fa..... ga la heheheheee
回復 小Con子 2011-2-16 14:17
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 14:37
why    ????
回復 小Con子 2011-2-16 14:45
newbie: why        ????
回復 Evalam 2011-2-16 15:12
newbie: ok :) let me go and look look yr album now la.... but u know i only like yellow fa fa..... ga la heheheheee
回復 newbie 2011-2-16 15:16
Evalam: 都好似有一朵黃色
why i cant find ??? hahahhahahaa
and ops. .. i forgot how to share OTHERS photo INSIDE the 日誌
any one can teach me how to do pls ??? ^^ thank you :)
回復 Evalam 2011-2-16 15:20
newbie: why i cant find ??? hahahhahahaa
and ops. .. i forgot how to share OTHERS photo INSIDE the 日誌
any one can teach me how to do pls ??? ^^ thank you :) ...
回復 cara 2011-2-16 23:29
回復 newbie 2011-2-17 00:21
cara: 我舉腳支持
goooooood then u need to nominate the photos ga wor !!! dont be lazy just sit here and watch ah !! ^^ !!
回復 cara 2011-2-17 00:22
newbie: goooooood then u need to nominate the photos ga wor !!! dont be lazy just sit here and watch ah !! ^^ !!
回復 newbie 2011-2-17 01:09
cara: 我好勤力架...一有花開實post上黎
sooooooooooo where is my 'so so' ?@?@?@? hahahaaaaa
回復 cara 2011-2-17 01:16
newbie: sooooooooooo where is my 'so so' ?@?@?@? hahahaaaaa
回復 newbie 2011-2-17 01:19
cara: 去左妹豬度啦
eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk .. upload HERE again plsssssssssssssssss plsssssssssssssssss

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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