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(家長指引) 花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來 之 "邊個夠我搶得多" :) ... ... ...

熱度 5已有 798 次閱讀2011-8-4 08:50 |個人分類:花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來

"與小紅楓 之 人約中午時 @ 八月二" 又點少得小紅楓辛辛苦苦 偷運 帶比我地的禮物呢 ? 基本上 以下 lee 兩棵 靚靚 成 table 十位花友係 "未望過一眼" srysry  .. why .. hahahha 
因為小紅楓 sitting next to me, when she said any one want this yellow ..........
newbie 都未 wait her finish her sentence then .... 大大聲話 : 我要 !!!   see
好靚的葉葉 .. 仲有當然係 d 花花 係靚靚黃架   thanks a lot sister

仲有好多球球呀 ..  they must love the weather in canada la :) and many seeds too

跟住就係我 sister 蕙蕙 送我的 禮物啦 :) thanks too

SWEETIE MANDY  晨早起床 成棵 'GUUT'比我的黃靚靚,佢真係次次都對我咁鬼好

仲有失敗左幾次,而我一定要種到大大棵的 真正三葉草

仲有 .. 仲有 ... 好多呀 :)

來個 大大大 合照啦 

加埋 係BILLY度搶個D,邊 個 夠 我 搶 得 多  THANKS ALL

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回復 適少少 2011-8-4 09:55
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 10:04
適少少: 果然............勁.........
過 掌  kkakakaaaaaaaaaa :)
回復 Evalam 2011-8-4 10:18
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 10:21
Evalam: 嘩....好勁
heheheeeeeeeee 我 ching 雞雞搶左你地都唔知 hehehee
回復 Evalam 2011-8-4 10:29
newbie: heheheeeeeeeee 我 ching 雞雞搶左你地都唔知 hehehee
真係唔知 ...唔見你有咁大個袋裝野嘅
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 10:30
Evalam: 真係唔知 ...唔見你有咁大個袋裝野嘅
of cos , 我收得好, similar to keep your eyes off my fat la ^^
回復 Evalam 2011-8-4 10:31
newbie: of cos , 我收得好, similar to keep your eyes off my fat la ^^
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 10:33
Evalam: 嘩...收晒件衫裡面...唔怪得知成日話肥
aiyo............ 比你知左  
回復 Evalam 2011-8-4 12:23
newbie: aiyo............ 比你知左   
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 13:01
Evalam: 下次巢下有d咩攞先
heheheeee .. i dont have anything to share la .. come come go go i only got same same stuff @@
回復 mandywowo 2011-8-4 13:27
"未望過一眼"  真係呀
回復 mandywowo 2011-8-4 13:29
三葉草 比多棵你
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 13:33
mandywowo: "未望過一眼"  真係呀
hehheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) 係黃花的靚靚植物 lor hahahaaa
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 13:34
mandywowo: 三葉草 比多棵你
wowowowow 又比 .. u almost gave me ALL u have la hahahahahaaa
回復 mandywowo 2011-8-4 13:35
= 咩呀
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 13:36
mandywowo: = 咩呀
even 小姓楓 dont know the name ah .. she said the fafa is yellow ga :) let me see see her photo album la :) heheee
回復 mandywowo 2011-8-4 13:37
newbie: wowowowow 又比 .. u almost gave me ALL u have la hahahahahaaa
我話今次比左2棵你   如果仲要我掘埋仲有一棵比你, 係之前插定出根架
回復 newbie 2011-8-4 13:41
mandywowo: 我話今次比左2棵你    如果仲要我掘埋仲有一棵比你, 係之前插定出根架
u already gave me 2 la ... lets wait till end of aug . .if she is healthy . dont u keep la @@ ^^ thanks dear.
re yellow fa fa .. maybe is the 小黃野花 .. i am asking her ^^
回復 mandywowo 2011-8-4 13:42
newbie: even 小姓楓 dont know the name ah .. she said the fafa is yellow ga :) let me see see her photo album la :) heheee
回復 Evalam 2011-8-4 13:49
newbie: heheheeee .. i dont have anything to share la .. come come go go i only got same same stuff @@

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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