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我又去 捉虫 ^_^

熱度 11已有 745 次閱讀2011-3-5 15:39 |個人分類:花貓

近日 見 Lee 度好多 虫出沒  等我又去 捉下虫先  

肥 "B" 一條 

兄弟 姊妹 

爸爸 媽媽   疑似 K TANE 

剛表態過的朋友 (0 人)

發表評論 評論 (13 個評論)

回復 omouth 2011-3-5 16:00
我...中意 爸爸同媽媽 間屋呀  
回復 newbie 2011-3-5 16:16
omouth: 我...中意 爸爸同媽媽 間屋呀   
hehehehee me 2.. i think that was 2 years ago got it from McDonald la.. hehehee ^^
回復 cara 2011-3-5 21:37
做乜咁快捉虫 養肥d先呀
回復 mandywowo 2011-3-6 09:05
omouth: 我...中意 爸爸同媽媽 間屋呀   
回復 mandywowo 2011-3-6 09:05
我都中意 爸爸同媽媽 間屋呀
回復 newbie 2011-3-6 21:22
cara: 做乜咁快捉虫 養肥d先呀
cos i need give the mother to mandy ah  ... ^^
回復 newbie 2011-3-6 21:23
mandywowo: 我都中意 爸爸同媽媽 間屋呀
did u get these from McDonald 2 years ago ah ??
回復 cara 2011-3-6 21:49
newbie: cos i need give the mother to mandy ah  ... ^^
回復 newbie 2011-3-6 23:20
cara: 俾虫虫佢好d喎
why ah ?
回復 cara 2011-3-6 23:37
newbie: why ah ?
回復 mandywowo 2011-3-7 07:57
newbie: did u get these from McDonald 2 years ago ah ??
回復 newbie 2011-3-7 11:22
aiyo.. i only got 2 left ..
回復 newbie 2011-3-7 11:23
cara: 等佢有排種
hhahahaaaa ^^

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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