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已有 402 次閱讀2009-9-5 08:03

對nuage的'頭頭'一見鐘情, 幾經辛苦搵到藍蝴蝶小姐, 三月入主newbie家 :)

藍蝴蝶小姐看來都喜愛newbie家, 生活得好開心

newbie 幫藍小姐開枝散葉 :) 四月扦插行動開始

一天一天成長, 新葉出來了

一轉眼 ..... 好大棵啦



回想起八個月前搵到lee個 website , dream 都無 dream 過自己幾個月後可以'造'到一盆花出來... 所以好開心!

藍蝴蝶之前我係見都未見過架. :) 記得係nuage,RIO,貓貓幫我搵到藍蝴蝶媽媽

真係好感激你地呀 !!

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回復 阿四 2009-9-5 11:22
回復 nuage 2009-9-5 12:23
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 13:13
阿四: 開枝散葉...抵錫~
thanks 回想起八個月前搵到lee個 website , dream 都無 dream 過自己幾個月後可以'造'到一盆花出來... 所以好開心, 仲要係藍蝴蝶之前我係見都未見過架. :)
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 13:16
nuage: 係呀,好易扦插呀,我都扦插咗幾棵啦,都好成功﹗
thanks  回想起八個月前搵到lee個 website , dream 都無 dream 過自己幾個月後可以'造'到一盆花出來... 所以好開心, 仲要係藍蝴蝶之前我係見都未見過架. :) 你仲記唔記得係你.RIO.貓貓幫我搵到藍蝴蝶媽媽, 真係好感激你地呀 !!
回復 nuage 2009-9-5 13:19
newbie: thanks  回想起八個月前搵到lee個 website , dream 都無 dream 過自己幾個月後可以'造'到一盆花出來... 所以好開心, 仲要係藍蝴蝶之前我係見都未見過架. :) 你仲
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 13:22
nuage: 繼續去種更多靚花啦
我會.. 一諗起秋播就excited :)
回復 nuage 2009-9-5 13:23
newbie: 我會.. 一諗起秋播就excited :)
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 13:33
nuage: 我開始緊啦,你幾時開始?
花都可以播啦 ? 我播左小小矮牽牛,不過未出苗.
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-5 14:25
very very beautiful butterflies
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 14:33
staplefordgem: very very beautiful butterflies
very very soooooooooon will fly to your country ^^ hahaha then YOUR HOME !!!!!!
回復 RIO 2009-9-5 15:24
我都試過插枝, 不過全軍覆沒啊
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 15:34
RIO: 我都試過插枝, 不過全軍覆沒啊
i am SOOOOOO lucky, i just cut ONE only in april.. maybe it was still cold.. then success ^^
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 15:34
RIO: 我都試過插枝, 不過全軍覆沒啊
秋天再插 !!! 一定得 :)
回復 polaris 2009-9-5 15:38
回復 RIO 2009-9-5 15:41
newbie: 秋天再插 !!! 一定得 :)
我無你咁好耐性啊, 上次webalex叫我桿插玫瑰,
試咗幾次失敗, e+都放棄了~
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 15:44
polaris: 我都好鍾意蘭蝴蝶...
so far still dont have new seeds :((((
回復 polaris 2009-9-5 15:46
newbie: so far still dont have new seeds :((((
It's okay...
回復 polaris 2009-9-5 15:48
newbie: so far still dont have new seeds :((((
Btw, I have read about this blue butterfly in internet and they said it is very difficult to have seeds...
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 15:51
polaris: Btw, I have read about this blue butterfly in internet and they said it is very difficult to have seeds...
yes yes yes NEVER expect I CAN HAVE ONE SEED.. it really RARE :))
回復 newbie 2009-9-5 15:51
polaris: Btw, I have read about this blue butterfly in internet and they said it is very difficult to have seeds...
so u know how excited i got ONE :))

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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