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要愛錫 自己 家人 同埋 D 好朋友 呀 !!! 當然仲有D花花啦 ^^

熱度 7已有 1019 次閱讀2012-6-1 11:55

同D花花影下相 tum 下自己先   

今次D金紅花咁少 lums, add oil ah !!

mandy, love U + her more and more 

我覺得佢未開晒時仲靚 :) 大C太, 你個孫仔叻叻 


暫時得一個果   估唔估到係乜  calling Billy grand pa !! haha ^^

chau chau and pei pei , how about u ?

mandy sweetie, sry ah  之前樓上 poured some 'red liquid' down 都唔知係乜,

成棵比佢整到死左9成, 我好恨心將佢 cut cut cut , 好彩又出得番, 仲有花啦 !! 

仲開左朵白色底的, 仲靚 hehe :)

重生的牛牛, 好叻呀 !!  bravo !! 

由細到大都勁多 紅蜘蛛 LIKE her   sprayed thousand times still same same @@ 

無晒辦法   希望快D開到花啦 

香堇係我另一由細到大都最愛的花花, 但唔啱 season 播種, 種到我CC下, 總算開都花  

mandy 的太陽花好大朵呀  LEE 棵我用水種架 :)

佢係 亞四 啦, chau chau , how about yrs ? 

由種子種的金盞花but how come so small @@ 同太陽花差不多大 . strange @@

sry chau chau, u gifted me the one , D lums lums RIP @@ sry sry 

love from chau chau  其實個個花友對我都好好好, 真係好感動呀 !! 

唔知點解 雞蛋花對我來講 係代表希望   

祝大家明天會更好  ME 2 

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回復 DORA 2012-6-1 12:11
回復 chau_lyc 2012-6-1 12:13
你我都做得到 love u dear
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:19
DORA: 好多靚花呀!
thanks sister    仲打左好鬼多中文字 .. so slow    hahahaa :)
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:20
chau_lyc: 一個茄茄都未有呀
你我都做得到 love u dear ...
ooh .. not even one ?? aiyo .. yr BB grow so slow ga .. u said u got many fafa ga ? mine still have some more fafa but only 1 茄茄 now, hope can have more and more la :)

真係要更加努力努力去做好自己 -- yes 100% agreed, u see the cow cow i've cut 90% of it ga .. leave only about 3-4 inches stem only , now have fafa again la , bravo !!
回復 DORA 2012-6-1 12:25
newbie: thanks sister      仲打左好鬼多中文字 .. so slow      hahahaa :)
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:28
DORA: 叻叻呀!加油!
thanks dear :) which one u like most ah ? hehee ... u see many yellow fafa hahaha ^^
回復 chau_lyc 2012-6-1 12:31
newbie: thanks sister      仲打左好鬼多中文字 .. so slow      hahahaa :)
woooooooow 都想讚你打到咁多中文
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:32
chau_lyc: woooooooow 都想讚你打到咁多中文
hehe thanks :) 有幾次一 esc 又無晒, 激死我  
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:32
chau_lyc: woooooooow 都想讚你打到咁多中文
金X花 --- pls help :)
回復 DORA 2012-6-1 12:33
newbie: thanks dear :) which one u like most ah ? hehee ... u see many yellow fafa hahaha ^^
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:34
chau_lyc: woooooooow 都想讚你打到咁多中文
總算開都花 -- which  "總" is correct, this one seems wrong haha :) pls teach me la Ms Chau ^^
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:35
DORA: 最鍾意第一同第二幅!
ooh .. by the way, do u remember I asked u in Mccafe do u want 金紅花, 就係佢啦, 仲有二棵細的, 要唔要呀 !!!
回復 DORA 2012-6-1 12:37
d 前輩教落,紅蜘蛛用皂水噴,上次我棵茄子又有,好嬲!我索性拎 d 皂水同佢沖涼,又 ok 喎。
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:42
DORA: d 前輩教落,紅蜘蛛用皂水噴,上次我棵茄子又有,好嬲!我索性拎 d 皂水同佢沖涼,又 ok 喎。
ooh .......... u mean liquid soap ? i am using 苦 lin 油 @@
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:43
DORA: d 前輩教落,紅蜘蛛用皂水噴,上次我棵茄子又有,好嬲!我索性拎 d 皂水同佢沖涼,又 ok 喎。
皂水 1 to 100 portion ?
回復 chau_lyc 2012-6-1 12:43
newbie: 總算開都花 -- which  "總" is correct, this one seems wrong haha :) pls teach me la Ms Chau ^^
1. 總算開到花
2. 仲算開到花
3. 終於開到花
回復 chau_lyc 2012-6-1 12:44
newbie: 金X花 --- pls help :)
回復 chau_lyc 2012-6-1 12:44
newbie: hehe thanks :) 有幾次一 esc 又無晒, 激死我   
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:45
chau_lyc: 1. 總算開到花
2. 仲算開到花
3. 終於開到花
e ... is this "總" 算開到花 , i think i mean this one la hehe :) i want the one "總"有你鼓勵, so its correct la , right :)
回復 newbie 2012-6-1 12:46
chau_lyc: 金盞(iibt)花
thanks dear.. actually i dont know how to write hahaaha :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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