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花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來 之 be-lated happy birthday to Hoya densiflora ^^ hahahaa ...

熱度 4已有 870 次閱讀2012-5-26 21:08 |個人分類:花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來

wow my honey, catherine 相贈的 Hoya densiflora
原來剛過左一歲生日啦 hahahaa 

Juna 的孫女 莫小姐化左個濃妝去賀夀 

18 may 2011 回到 newbie 家的樣子 :)

三個月就大左幾倍, 仲識生BB @ 5 aug 2011 ^^ 

wow 一歲啦 @ may 26, 2012 !! hahaaa ^^ 
花家姊係我不在港時將她一分為三 .....  
左邊係 "大家姊" , 右邊就係 一歲大的 "媽媽" :)

 "大家姊" 好叻, 仲有 lums 

二家姊今日返去 "grandma" catherine 度啦 ^^

有成十個好友同佢 farewell - tea one tea 

二家姊都有 lums la :)

(thanks chau chau took the photos for me )

發表評論 評論 (51 個評論)

回復 mandywowo 2012-5-26 21:26
好叻呀... 我棵無lum
回復 newbie 2012-5-26 21:28
mandywowo: 好叻呀... 我棵無lum
thanks . 你都有呀? 仲諗住遲D比個孫仔你 :) add some fat la hehee 亞媽都未有 lums   
回復 mandywowo 2012-5-26 21:29
newbie: thanks . 你都有呀? 仲諗住遲D比個孫仔你 :) add some fat la hehee 亞媽都未有 lums   
回復 mandywowo 2012-5-26 21:31
newbie: thanks . 你都有呀? 仲諗住遲D比個孫仔你 :) add some fat la hehee 亞媽都未有 lums   
比個孫仔我啦... 原來無喎       多謝
回復 newbie 2012-5-26 21:32
mandywowo: 對下個名睇下係咪一樣先
yes . but let me check check
回復 newbie 2012-5-26 21:33
mandywowo: 比個孫仔我啦... 原來無喎          多謝
ho ho ho :) pls wait wait ^^ the fafa is yellow ga hehee ^^
回復 mandywowo 2012-5-26 21:34
newbie: ho ho ho :) pls wait wait ^^ the fafa is yellow ga hehee ^^
fafa is yellow    嘩你一定好期待啦
回復 ylee 2012-5-26 21:46
回復 newbie 2012-5-26 21:50
mandywowo: fafa is yellow      嘩你一定好期待啦
when i was in canada, has fafa opened but no one take photo.
the 球蘭 eva gave u was from kenneth, i cant find the name, but its very nice. u see see ... i just asked kenneth again the name la :)
回復 newbie 2012-5-26 21:52
ylee: WAH,犀利
yes yes .. u want to 排隊  heheee  ..this one should be faster than 箭箭 and 香香公主 :)
回復 ylee 2012-5-26 21:53
   HAHA HA,錫哂你
回復 newbie 2012-5-26 22:12
ylee:    HAHA HA,錫哂你
my pleasure    but u see see pls :
回復 mandywowo 2012-5-27 11:41
newbie: when i was in canada, has fafa opened but no one take photo.
the 球蘭 eva gave u was from kenneth, i cant find the name, but its very nice. u see see  ...
回復 Juna 2012-5-27 15:15
回復 newbie 2012-5-27 19:05
Juna: 等睇花
thanks .. :)
回復 newbie 2012-5-27 19:06
i think so but 我的都未開過花, 仲好弱 .. u add oil pls la :)
回復 newbie 2012-5-27 19:10
Juna: 等睇花
did u see yr 'grand daughter' ah :)
回復 Juna 2012-5-27 20:40
newbie: did u see yr 'grand daughter' ah :)
回復 Juna 2012-5-27 20:40
newbie: did u see yr 'grand daughter' ah :)
回復 Evalam 2012-5-28 11:05

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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