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花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來 之 開花啦 :)

熱度 12已有 759 次閱讀2012-5-17 18:33 |個人分類:花係唔駛買 ~ 愛會繼續來

好耐都無見 LEE 個靚女啦, 真係掛死我 
淺紫色係我另一喜愛的 colour  加上白+黃,    
多謝 eva 兩年幾前的相贈, 佢仲係度架 

cara 去年送我的 K Digitalflora , 
但天氣熱, 佢開始 saygoodbye to me la  
cut 頭插枝睇下得唔得, 好彩都有D虫虫 

EVA 的喜蔭, 佢地又紅得幾鬼靚 

ylee 的 Ms. Mok 日日係床頭陪住我架 :) 
睇見佢咁靚, 我都好想似佢地咁 sweet 

同場加影下D blue butterlfy :)

發表評論 評論 (62 個評論)

回復 Juna 2012-5-17 18:53
回復 DORA 2012-5-17 18:58
回復 newbie 2012-5-17 18:59
Juna: 好靚的藍蝴蝶
係呀, 一到夏天 就好多花 :) 勁抵種 ^^
回復 newbie 2012-5-17 19:02
Juna: 好靚的藍蝴蝶
你近期開左D乜野花呀 ?
回復 newbie 2012-5-17 19:02
回復 newbie 2012-5-17 19:03
你認唔認得D buildings ? which one is yr office ? hehee maybe yr office can see my fafa ga hahahaa
回復 DORA 2012-5-17 19:25
newbie: 你認唔認得D buildings ? which one is yr office ? hehee maybe yr office can see my fafa ga hahahaa
May be on the other side......
回復 newbie 2012-5-17 19:28
DORA: May be on the other side......
oooh ..........  
回復 teddybear10_10 2012-5-17 19:44
回復 ylee 2012-5-17 20:16
好多靚靘的藍蝴蝶係你屋企, , , , , , ,
回復 Juna 2012-5-17 20:24
newbie: 你近期開左D乜野花呀 ?
回復 Juna 2012-5-17 20:24
newbie: 係呀, 一到夏天 就好多花 :) 勁抵種 ^^
回復 mandywowo 2012-5-17 21:19
EVA 的喜蔭 咁得意嘅? 又紅又綠? 我要排隊
回復 hugopoodle 2012-5-17 22:11
有冇其他顏色嘅蝴蝶呀? 用種子種?
回復 cara 2012-5-17 22:25
回復 newbie 2012-5-18 01:20
teddybear10_10: 藍蝴蝶好靚
thank you , worth to have one :)
回復 newbie 2012-5-18 01:20
ylee: 好多靚靘的藍蝴蝶係你屋企, , , , , , ,
yes ah ... thats why i bring her back long long way from yuen long la :)
回復 newbie 2012-5-18 01:20
Juna: 貓咪囉
oicic .. :) good ^^
回復 newbie 2012-5-18 01:21
how much from Tao Bo ? i forgot .. how about delivery charges? i bought this 3 years ago around $60 or 70
回復 newbie 2012-5-18 01:22
mandywowo: EVA 的喜蔭 咁得意嘅? 又紅又綠? 我要排隊
b4 at eva's home not enough sun light, so leave no red .. then now become like this :) the pinky 紋又係幾靚 :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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