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又呃下 POST 先 :) 估下估下啦 ^_^

熱度 4已有 1381 次閱讀2012-4-18 14:09

忍唔住要’出手’啦,影番張 close up 先 :) 估唔估到佢係乜? 
我等左成年幾兩年架啦 ^^ 今次應該開到花啦 , yeah !!!!!!!!!!! 好期待呀 !!!! ...
the answer is 白香岩, 好香架 :) 希望可以開到花啦 ^^

同場加影 Eva's 囡囡 , 中間都幾黃架 hehe :) any1 know her name pls ?

發表評論 評論 (137 個評論)

回復 DORA 2012-4-18 14:11
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:13
thanks but 估下啦 .. i did mention the name of this fafa few times in my post ga :)
回復 DORA 2012-4-18 14:18
newbie: thanks but 估下啦 .. i did mention the name of this fafa few times in my post ga :)
any hints? AV? CAT?
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:21
DORA: any hints? AV? CAT?
not AV not Cat :) hehehee and NO yellow
回復 DORA 2012-4-18 14:29
newbie: not AV not Cat :) hehehee and NO yellow
so difficult...
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:33
DORA: so difficult...
hehe ....... try try la
回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-18 14:33
我估....Achimenes Misera
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:34
chau_lyc: 我估....Achimenes Misera
no la honey ..
回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-18 14:36
newbie: no la honey ..
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:37
chau_lyc:    仲以為bingo
回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-18 14:46
not AV not Cat, 睇d冧吾會係酢酢, 應該係Sinn啦
回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-18 14:53
newbie: no la honey ..
再估....Sinn. Little Tiger
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:54
chau_lyc: not AV not Cat, 睇d冧吾會係酢酢, 應該係Sinn啦
no AV not Cat  ... ...  but seems not a kind of Sinn . .the name not start with Sinn .....
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:55
chau_lyc: 再估....Sinn. Little Tiger
not sinn @@
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:58
chau_lyc: not AV not Cat, 睇d冧吾會係酢酢, 應該係Sinn啦
oh sry .. its Sinn ....... sry sry sry ............. ^^
回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-18 14:58
newbie: no AV not Cat  ... ...  but seems not a kind of Sinn . .the name not start with Sinn .....
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 14:59
chau_lyc: 吓~~~
sry .. the name start with Sinn but this sinn not the normal sinn we usually think of hehehee :)
回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-18 15:03
newbie: oh sry .. its Sinn ....... sry sry sry ............. ^^
your meaning is a kind of Sinn but the name not start with Sinn
回復 newbie 2012-4-18 15:03
chau_lyc: your meaning is a kind of Sinn but the name not start with Sinn
sry honey .. the name start with Sinn :) b4 i made a mistake hehee sry
回復 chau_lyc 2012-4-18 15:17
newbie: sry honey .. the name start with Sinn :) b4 i made a mistake hehee sry
Sinn. Pink Imp
Sinn. Sister Irena
好似比較少見呢兩個名, 試下la

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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