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大功告成 + 新歡 and 舊愛 :)

熱度 6已有 549 次閱讀2012-3-26 17:15

大功告成 , 今晚送比好友啦 :) 遠看都幾得架

另外介紹一下 newbie 的 新歡

although the fafa not very special

but 成串花 好靚呀 !

cara & peipei, 我終於買左啦 hehe

好大朵的  x x 菊 :) hehehee

my lovely 舊愛 :) -- K Brimstone
small small fafa but many yellow la ^^

gift from Cara @ 2011, still alive and many fafa coming , yeah !!

同場加影, 開左 六瓣 的唔知乜野貓
this Miss Pinky 都好靚 :)

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回復 DORA 2012-3-26 17:18
回復 cara 2012-3-26 17:19
回復 newbie 2012-3-26 17:22
thanks :)
回復 DORA 2012-3-26 17:24
newbie: thanks :)
回復 newbie 2012-3-26 17:24
cara: 金雀...有冇平到呀
of cos, but this one seems a little bit smaller, b4 is $80, now selling $55 and final discount $35 hehehee , good ng good deal heheeee
yesterday i sick ah  but i still go to V park , however, they only remove the fafa today .. thats why i didnt call u lor ......... @@ and today tire, i didnt go la ......
回復 newbie 2012-3-26 17:27
DORA: 幅畫近睇都應該得!
hmm not so good lor hehee 有d油得唔多 "暈" kkakakaaaa but I already  
回復 cara 2012-3-26 17:27
newbie: of cos, but this one seems a little bit smaller, b4 is $80, now selling $55 and final discount $35 hehehee , good ng good deal heheeee
yesterday i sic ...
回復 DORA 2012-3-26 17:31
newbie: hmm not so good lor hehee 有d油得唔多 "暈" kkakakaaaa but I already   
回復 newbie 2012-3-26 17:39
cara: 果然係高手
aiyo... how do u know i was sick ah ??  this time 勁喉嚨痛@@ ..  taking medicine la @@
tonite need to go and get back my fafas ah ......
你有新歡雀雀陪你...精神番哂 --- hope so la !!!!!!!!!!!
回復 newbie 2012-3-26 17:40
DORA: 心意搭夠!
yes yes .. my friend just called me, she is coming now hahaha
回復 DORA 2012-3-26 17:53
回復 蕙蕙 2012-3-27 00:43
very pretty painting and beautiful flowers
回復 caca8j 2012-3-27 12:02
回復 Juna 2012-3-27 12:06
回復 keung 2012-3-27 23:31
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 10:04
keung: 幅畫好靚靚
thanks bro :) u want ? i want to buy more and more , paint it then gift to friend ah heheee but still no chance to find it :)
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 10:04
keung: 幅畫好靚靚
how about my yellow fafa ???
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 10:05
caca8j: 嘩!才女呀!
才 乜鬼呀 .. just follow the numbers to paint hahaa
but 都好有滿足感 and my friend so touching too hehehee ^^
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 10:05
Juna:    好多花
yes yes .. my 新歡 More and more 得寵 !!! heheeeee
回復 newbie 2012-3-28 10:06
蕙蕙: very pretty painting and beautiful flowers
thanks sister :) i will buy more this numbers painting , enjoy 'painting' it hehee

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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