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熱度 20上傳於 2010-1-8 01:25 (51.3 KB)

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回復 cookie20002005 2010-1-8 07:39
回復 alansing 2010-1-8 09:48
我對右邊既卡...有興趣 d
回復 cookie20002005 2010-1-8 09:54
alansing: 我對右邊既卡...有興趣 d
回復 alansing 2010-1-8 09:55
cookie20002005: 中左都唔比禮物你呀
回復 cookie20002005 2010-1-8 10:01
alansing: 我識去搶的
回復 alansing 2010-1-8 10:16
cookie20002005: 我報警拉你呀
我腿長, 跑得快
回復 小紅楓 2010-1-8 11:10
你開花店架,咁 creative
回復 cara 2010-1-8 12:17
回復 childplay 2010-1-8 13:32
回復 Citystream 2010-1-8 15:38
cookie20002005: 你係唔係學過架,識整咁多款嘅,仲咁靚添
I learnt it but it is still a long way to go to achieve this level. Our Master made them as a gift for our Club year end dinner. It is a sharing of his art only, wish you enjoy it.
回復 Citystream 2010-1-8 15:44
No. It was done by our Master. He made them as a gift in last Club year end dinner.
回復 cookie20002005 2010-1-8 15:52
Citystream: I learnt it but it is still a long way to go to achieve this level. Our Master made them as a gift for our Club year end dinner. It is a sharing of hi
回復 Citystream 2010-1-8 16:02
I made Crab style, basket & tea pot before. It really need a lot of innovation. I will post some photo of mine later...
回復 inthesky 2010-1-8 16:54
整得好靚, 期待你整的成品影比我地睇~
回復 evacatcat 2010-1-8 23:55
勁呀! 好靚呀!
回復 holly 2010-1-9 01:50
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