分享 花開了...
staplefordgem 2009-7-14 21:17
前幾天,gumamela 縂於開花了,有紅的,淺粉紅的,真高興 , 見到它們,咳和鼻涕好似也好多了,哈哈哈
338 次閱讀|3 個評論
分享 july 6
staplefordgem 2009-7-6 15:06
305 次閱讀|1 個評論
分享 july 6'09
staplefordgem 2009-7-6 14:17
Garfield's words of wisdom: "we all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more info in our heads. So i'm not fat, i'm just really intelligent." hahahahah
304 次閱讀|0 個評論
分享 開懷一笑
staplefordgem 2009-7-6 00:54
今天收到一則笑話﹐在此與大家分享﹐望笑聲能輕鬆一下緊張的生活。事實真相一男人和老婆吵架﹐生氣時大聲喊﹕“就算娶一頭豬也好過娶妳!”老婆卻冷靜地回答﹕“你是不能娶豬的﹐因為近親不能通婚!” 哈哈哈
374 次閱讀|6 個評論
分享 (",)
staplefordgem 2009-7-5 16:13
Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life
個人分類: life's little treasure|423 次閱讀|3 個評論


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