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熱度 9已有 380 次閱讀2010-8-5 19:12

那盆黃色 mini rose,一直以來都乖乖的,可是最近好像已很久沒開過花了,而且一些葉子也陸續的凋落;以往茂盛的美貌似乎已是歷史。唉,花呀花,如果你能說話就好,便能告訴我你是為了何事在閙情緒

發表評論 評論 (15 個評論)

回復 WAH 2010-8-5 20:35

回復 staplefordgem 2010-8-5 22:56
WAH: 唔通失戀

失戀? 唔通佢偷偷談戀愛?同邊個呢?
回復 WAH 2010-8-5 23:05
staplefordgem: 失戀?唔通佢偷偷談戀愛?同邊個呢?
回復 staplefordgem 2010-8-5 23:12
WAH: 見佢唔開心,估下乍
唔通同雀仔?哈哈哈 by the way, yellow roses also means friendship
回復 蕙蕙 2010-8-5 23:51
maybe it's too hot recently, wait till autumn...
do u have autumn
回復 staplefordgem 2010-8-6 07:17
蕙蕙: maybe it's too hot recently, wait till autumn...
do u have autumn
we have only wet and dry season ~ wherein wet is rainy season and dry is hot/summer days we are now in rainy days, it rains these couple of days
回復 keung 2010-8-6 12:03
WAH: 唔通失戀

回復 cara 2010-8-6 12:38
回復 WAH 2010-8-6 13:57
keung: 好複雜
回復 staplefordgem 2010-8-6 16:35
cara: 休息一下再黎過,無事既
希望係 thank you dear
回復 蕙蕙 2010-8-6 22:35
staplefordgem: we have only wet and dry season~ wherein wet is rainy season and dry is hot/summer dayswe are now in rainy days, it rains these couple o
so which is the right season for roses? dry season
回復 staplefordgem 2010-8-7 08:16
蕙蕙: so which is the right season for roses? dry season
guess so, coz roses belong to the full sunlight group they love sunbathing
回復 maplejoe 2010-8-7 12:37
回復 staplefordgem 2010-8-7 18:54
maplejoe: 等、…
回復 蕙蕙 2010-8-9 19:42
staplefordgem: guess so, coz roses belong to the full sunlight groupthey love sunbathing

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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