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丹丹miss newbie媽

熱度 3已有 569 次閱讀2009-12-21 20:20

newbie比我的重瓣濶葉牡丹,已有很多葉了,但佢依幾日唔知點解軟手軟腳的,唔通係聖誕將到而miss newbie媽?BeyBey Pig emoticon

newbie媽,丹丹is missing you, 丹丹好想你啊... BeyBey Pig emoticon

發表評論 評論 (28 個評論)

回復 Evalam 2009-12-21 20:35
回復 staplefordgem 2009-12-22 09:10
Evalam: 佢地怕凍...
ooh i see, then maybe it's because of the cloudy weather here these few days thank you for the info professor Lam
回復 cara 2009-12-22 09:50
回復 staplefordgem 2009-12-22 20:20
cara: 好粗生...唔怕既
回復 Evalam 2009-12-23 15:40
staplefordgem: ooh i see, then maybe it's because of the cloudy weather here these few daysthank you for the info professor Lam
回復 staplefordgem 2009-12-23 15:49
Evalam: 我都係聽newbie大師姐講..不過你度又無我地度咁凍
hahahah maybe she miss the Christmas at HK these few days, no pretty sunlight here, cloudy sky, temperature playing around 22 in the early morning and evening ...
回復 Evalam 2009-12-23 16:13
staplefordgem: hahahah maybe she miss the Christmas at HKthese few days, no pretty sunlight here, cloudy sky, temperature playing around 22 in the early morni
回復 staplefordgem 2009-12-23 22:31
Evalam: 我地12度咋
wow quite cold over there here, normal is 26-28, so 22 is a little bit wild for the people here wakekekkekek but in the northern part of the country, it reaches 10 degree too~that place is called Baguio
回復 Evalam 2009-12-24 15:49
staplefordgem: wow quite cold over therehere, normal is 26-28, so 22 is a little bit wild for the people here wakekekkekekbut in the northern part of
回復 staplefordgem 2010-1-8 20:56
Evalam: 暖d好..唔怕花花凍c..
hahahah that's true
回復 Evalam 2010-1-8 21:01
staplefordgem: hahahah that's true
miss u
回復 staplefordgem 2010-1-8 21:20
Evalam: 呢幾日好凍呀..
miss u
miss u too professor Lam how are you? what's up lately?
回復 Evalam 2010-1-8 21:38
staplefordgem: miss u too professor Lamhow are you? what's up lately?
回復 staplefordgem 2010-1-8 21:42
Evalam: 我病咗好耐..仲未好呀
really? what a coincident! i was sick since xmas too, have 2 wks antibiotics, til now still hv mild cough 到現在還有小小傷風聲呢
回復 Evalam 2010-1-8 21:43
staplefordgem: really? what a coincident! i was sick since xmas too, have 2 wks antibiotics, til now still hv mild cough 到現在還有小小傷風聲呢
回復 staplefordgem 2010-1-8 21:45
Evalam: 我都係...仲有少少咳..逢夜晚就咳
were u able to see doctor?  any medicine? cough is really tough, especially during night time, hard to sleep
回復 Evalam 2010-1-8 21:47
staplefordgem: were u able to see doctor?  any medicine?cough is really tough, especially during night time, hard to sleep
回復 staplefordgem 2010-1-8 21:54
Evalam: 睇咗一次...臨瞓著就咳
好可憐呀,甘你唔係冇得訓?格日你又要返工,保重丫hug hug
回復 Evalam 2010-1-9 15:15
staplefordgem: 好可憐呀,甘你唔係冇得訓?格日你又要返工,保重丫hug hug
回復 staplefordgem 2010-1-9 22:26
Evalam: 成日唔夠瞓囉
still mild cough, day and night, i am not taking medicine anymore, will leave it to recover in natural way wakekekkekek

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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