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熱度 9已有 622 次閱讀2009-11-17 19:49 |

自從newbie的花花移民到我那裏,已有一星期了。她們都很乖,適應力也很強,長大了不少,所以昨晚我已讓她們搬囘屋外去住(除了藍蝴蝶之外),好讓她們有更大的空間可玩耍,和有機會與本地的花花交流一下。不知道是否因為昨晚認識了很多朋友或玩得很開心,今天早上發覺她們長大了不少。至於藍蝴蝶,她還住在屋裏,我告訴她,如果她想到外邊玩,就要乖乖快健康長大,哈哈,沒想到這招卻有效,今天的她比昨天更好看,幼枝又長高了一些,幼幼葉也大了一點點,哈哈哈真高興。花花們,加油啊,祝你們快高長大,健健康康;我也在這裏謝謝各位花友為花花們打氣,謝謝您們的鼓勵,我和花花都會繼續加油的 Emoticons

丹丹在ji dwarf 的鼻子,哈哈哈丹丹你百厭呀Emoticons

海豚花大了不少,有幼幼葉喇 Emoticons




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回復 mandywowo 2009-11-17 20:17
回復 清補涼 2009-11-17 20:19
唔識種 ....
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 20:56
清補涼: 唔識種 ....
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 20:58
mandywowo: 恭喜
回復 清補涼 2009-11-17 20:59
staplefordgem: 喺唔喺我種得她們很差?請多多指教
唉也 .... 我係話自己唔識種呀 ...
回復 清補涼 2009-11-17 21:02
staplefordgem: 喺唔喺我種得她們很差?請多多指教
種得貢令 繼續加油
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 22:15
清補涼: 唉也 ....我係話自己唔識種呀 ...
我都唔識架,am experimenting too try and try until succeed
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 22:15
清補涼: 種得貢令繼續加油
好彩,謝謝,嚇c我啦 will continue to add more oil
回復 清補涼 2009-11-17 22:18
staplefordgem: 我都唔識架,am experimenting tootry and try until succeed
嘻 ,,, 我試都唔敢試 ....
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 22:38
清補涼: 嘻 ,,, 我試都唔敢試 ....
you may try it's quite interesting cut one stem from your growing plant and plant it into the soil, put in shaded area for first few days, and you may see it grows new leaves after couple of days but don't know if all plants can be grow from stems
回復 newbie 2009-11-17 22:44
very nice my dear !!!!!!!!! alllllll my  babies very brave ah !!!!!!!!
hk is getting cold.. the bbb babies is ... cry cry... while yours so healthy !!!!!!! i am soooooooooooo glad !!!!!!!!!!! u da great mumm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
回復 newbie 2009-11-17 22:45
staplefordgem: 謝謝好高興,縂算對newbie有交待喇
u did a wonderful job !!!!!!!!!!!!!
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 22:47
newbie: u did a wonderful job !!!!!!!!!!!!!
no no, it's not me, it's your plants 叻叻 do u think i can let bbb stay outside by tomorrow? so she could join her siblings hahhaahhah
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 22:51
newbie: very nice my dear !!!!!!!!! alllllll my  babies very brave ah !!!!!!!!
hk is getting cold.. the bbb babies is ... cry cry... while yours so healthy !!
yes, your babies are so brave and very smart, knows to ji the dwarf's nose hahahahahha oh bbb likes sunlight? then maybe 2morow i will let her stay outside? wat do u think?
回復 newbie 2009-11-17 22:51
丹丹 have fun with ji dwarf .... they happy la hehee
海豚 so greenie.. nice !!
wow "So So"  SO tall now !!
酢酢 u must have new leaves la.. your wai wai auntie's one has fa fa la , u must add oil and chase them !!
but bbb u are the greatest !! gooooooood girl / boy hheheeee ^^
回復 newbie 2009-11-17 22:53
staplefordgem: yes, your babies are so brave and very smart, knows to ji the dwarf's nose hahahahahhaoh bbb likes sunlight? then maybe 2morow i will let her s
re bbb sun lx. yes he/she loves .. try in the morning.. and bring back inthe afternoon ? cos afraid too hot ....
'so so' can have more sun lx then wont be so tall ^^
回復 keung 2009-11-17 23:09
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 23:19
newbie: 丹丹 have fun with ji dwarf .... they happy la hehee
海豚 so greenie.. nice !!
wow "So So"  SO tall now !!
酢酢 u must have new leaves la..
ok let let bbb have sunbathing 2morow and let u see the result hahhah yes, she's the bravest, next time will give them respective awards hahahahhah yes, 醡醡 should add more oil
回復 newbie 2009-11-17 23:20
staplefordgem: ok let let bbb have sunbathing 2morow and let u see the result hahhah yes, she's the bravest, next time will give them respective awards hahahahhah[em
respective awards  !! wowowoww... they will be so happy la ^^
i take a break la.. nite nite my dear
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-17 23:21
newbie: re bbb sun lx. yes he/she loves .. try in the morning.. and bring back inthe afternoon ? cos afraid too hot ....
'so so' can have more sun lx then wo
ok, will let ssb (so so boy) have more sunbathing to be more macho hahahah

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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