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熱度 13已有 508 次閱讀2009-11-10 18:53 |

五棵newbie的靚花花,經過蕙蕙精心打扮包裝,然後再幫她們買咗頭等艙特快專遞機票,昨日縂於平安移民到我道;初到異地的她們,可能因坐咗幾日飛機的關係,尋日個個好似好累,有jetlog咁, 也可能有些許人地生疏,個個沒精打彩,又驚又怕地入住咗我幫她們預備的新屋;為了使她們at home些,我讓她們五個做鄰居,有個伴會冇咁驚嘛。今天早上去看她們,好像也沒什麼大改變,下午再探探她們,還是一樣,那棵blue butterfly 好似還差過昨天的她,真擔心 但黃色重瓣闊葉牡丹卻給了我驚喜,早上的她還彎彎腰的,下午卻已經挺直條腰向上伸展,而且好似還有些很小很小的花蕾,看見佢咁,好高興呀,至少可以對蕙蕙和newbie有個交待喇;花花們,我會好錫你哋架,你哋要乖乖,加油呀~


今朝的海豚花 ...

佢喺貓鬚草 Cat's Whiskers,好似多咗黃葉

Blue Butterfly 好似唔掂呀,加油呀藍蝴蝶




發表評論 評論 (31 個評論)

回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-12 22:10
maybe it's because of the taste of the curry paste, did u add coconut milk? did u marinated the meat? what else did u add in the curry
by the way, do u call 西蘭花&芥蘭also broccoli?
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-12 22:46
蕙蕙: maybe it's because of the taste of the curry paste, did u add coconut milk? did u marinated the meat? what else did u add in the curry
by the
the latter one is broccoli, may i know how does the first one looks like? is it cauliflower? i did not marinate the wings, maybe that's the reason?  how to marinate the wings? what ingredients?  and at that time i was run out of coconut milk, hahhaha so i replaced it with evaporated milk wow it tasted so bland the wings tasted so milky and sweet not curry hahhahahahhah
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-12 23:00
staplefordgem: the latter one is broccoli, may i know how does the first one looks like? is it cauliflower?i did not marinate the wings, maybe that's the rea
usually we call 西蘭花- broccoli and 椰菜花 - cauliflower, so what is 芥蘭in eng? like this after cooked http://hkplants.com/home/space-9270-do-album-picid-47936.html
to marinate the wings, just use normal seasonings such as salt, sugar, white pepper, soya sauce & wine...definitely u should use coconut milk which adds flavours to the curry
also i will pan-fry the slices of onions first, then the wings and potatoes, then add some water, curry paste (some people said if u panfry the curry paste, it will taste better) and coconut milk, finally try the taste and add seasonings as desired
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-12 23:32
蕙蕙: usually we call 西蘭花- broccoli and 椰菜花 - cauliflower, so what is 芥蘭in eng? like this after cooked http://hkplants.com/home/space-9270-do-album-
oh i did not marinated the wings, no wonder it's bland thanks for the recipe, will try it again , oh yes 椰菜花 is cauliflower, here we called broccoli 芥蘭 hehehhehe i am confused of these two vegies you mentioned, will research ...
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-12 23:53
蕙蕙: usually we call 西蘭花- broccoli and 椰菜花 - cauliflower, so what is 芥蘭in eng? like this after cooked http://hkplants.com/home/space-9270-do-album-
芥蘭 is called chinese broccoli [img] http://animated-emotion.co.cc/wp-content/uploads/zizidumplings/jaozi%20(31).gif[/img] while the 西蘭花- broccoli u may look at this  http://chinesefood.about.com/od/vegetablesrecipes/ig/Chinese-Vegetables-Pictures/Chinese_Broccoli_Photo.htm nite nite sweet sis
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-12 23:53
蕙蕙: usually we call 西蘭花- broccoli and 椰菜花 - cauliflower, so what is 芥蘭in eng? like this after cooked http://hkplants.com/home/space-9270-do-album-
芥蘭 is called  chinese broccoli while the 西蘭花- broccoli  u may look at this  http://chinesefood.about.com/od/vegetablesrecipes/ig/Chinese-Vegetables-Pictures/Chinese_Broccoli_Photo.htm  nite nite sweet sis
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-13 00:04
staplefordgem: oh i did not marinated the wings, no wonder it's blandthanks for the recipe, will try it again, oh yes 椰菜花 is cauliflower, here we c
pls let me know the result, thx
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-13 00:07
staplefordgem: 芥蘭 is calledchinese broccoli [img] http://animated-emotion.co.cc/wp-content/uploads/zizidumplings/jaozi%20(31).gif[/img] while the 西蘭花- br
very efficient
thx dear and nite nite
回復 GOODluck20x 2009-11-13 10:17
staplefordgem: oh i see, square pots~space saving
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-13 13:28
GOODluck20x: 方盆感覺用盡o西d位
yes yes
回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-13 13:32
蕙蕙: very efficient
thx dear and nite nite
u r always welcome my sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet loving sis

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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