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熱度 12已有 600 次閱讀2009-9-11 17:27 |

今天的天空還是陰陰沉沉,下了快一星期的雨還是下個不停,時不時還會有陣大風,不知甚麽時候才能再見太陽的笑容。值得欣慰的是花花們還是努力的工作,一點都不受天氣環境的影響,繼續開心地在風雨中長大和開她們的花,真值得人敬佩。眼看那盆vietnam rose樹枝因長得太長而實在零亂不堪,於是便拿起剪刀幫她修修髮,但因剪下的樹枝太過多,沒那麽多的小盆可用,只好插枝在同一個盆裏,讓她們二代同堂, 熱鬧些,想必vietnam rose不會抗議罷





發表評論 評論 (30 個評論)

回復 newbie 2009-9-11 17:40
ur vietnam rose sooooooooooooo big !!
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 17:42
newbie: ur vietnam rose sooooooooooooo big !!
thank you they look like your moss rose and same color the beautiful pink one
回復 WAH 2009-9-11 17:45
回復 newbie 2009-9-11 17:50
staplefordgem: thank youthey look like your moss rose and same colorthe beautiful pink one
yes i love it soooooo much...
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 17:51
WAH: 花花好野,,,開比主人睇,乖乖
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 17:56
newbie: yes i love it soooooo much...
回復 Evalam 2009-9-11 18:08
回復 newbie 2009-9-11 18:08
你有咁大盆.. 真開心!!
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 18:36
Evalam: 咁同唔剪有咩分別
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 18:37
newbie: 你有咁大盆.. 真開心!!
我有三盆vietnam rose
回復 蕙蕙 2009-9-11 20:30
u've got so many vietnam rose
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 20:42
蕙蕙: u've got so many vietnam rose
you meant 插枝? 我一共有三盆vietnam rose,相裡是其中之一
回復 newbie 2009-9-11 20:59
staplefordgem: 我有三盆vietnam rose
same colour ? what colour ?? hehe
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 21:28
newbie: same colour ? what colour ?? hehe
one pink which is same as yours, oh if i am not mistaken, it's two pots pink, the other pot is a mixed of red and orange hehehe
回復 蕙蕙 2009-9-11 21:33
staplefordgem: you meant 插枝?我一共有三盆vietnam rose,相裡是其中之一
really strong and big
回復 newbie 2009-9-11 21:46
staplefordgem: one pink which is same as yours, oh if i am not mistaken, it's two pots pink, the other pot is a mixed of red and orange hehehe
so colourful !! woot ! nice !!!!!!!!
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 21:52
蕙蕙: really strong and big
回復 staplefordgem 2009-9-11 21:53
newbie: so colourful !! woot ! nice !!!!!!!!
yours is much prettier
回復 newbie 2009-9-11 21:57
yours is much prettier
no la... ^^ but thanks ^^
回復 mandywowo 2009-9-12 08:37
newbie: ur vietnam rose sooooooooooooo big !!
vietnam rose咩名

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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