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已有 726 次閱讀2009-7-16 18:15

剛收到朋友send來的一則謎語,朋友説如猜錯,便要請他吃一頓飯,辛好猜對了,現在不知是否他會請呢,哈哈哈  。 謎語如下:加水可以栽花,加土可以種瓜,加人不是你我,加馬能跑天下。猜一字

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回復 newbie 2009-8-16 18:01
staplefordgem: bingo!!!!! 果然喺叻叻女
thx.. but i post the answer here... :( will u delete it hehhee :)
回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-16 18:10
newbie: thx.. but i post the answer here... :( will u delete it hehhee :)
it's alright, nothing to worry
回復 newbie 2009-8-16 18:10
staplefordgem: it's ok, i got your correct answer, really smart smartby the way, do you like seeds of california poppy? it's a yellow flower
california poppy  .... i dont know this flower.. let me search search whats in chinese / photo ^^
回復 newbie 2009-8-16 18:11
staplefordgem: it's ok, i got your correct answer, really smart smartby the way, do you like seeds of california poppy? it's a yellow flower
加州罌粟花 !! ^^ !!
回復 newbie 2009-8-16 18:14
staplefordgem: it's alright, nothing to worry
加州罌粟花 very nice yellow flower... is it easy to grow ??? need a lot sun light ??
回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-16 18:19
newbie: 加州罌粟花 very nice yellow flower... is it easy to grow ??? need a lot sun light ??
don't know, i don't have that flower yet, i bought quite few seeds this morning, and that's one of them, i plan to send seeds to 蕙蕙, if you like, i will send the poppy seeds to her and you two just arrange how to get it from her hahaha actually, 蕙蕙doesn't know about it yet
回復 newbie 2009-8-16 18:21
staplefordgem: don't know, i don't have that flower yet, i bought quite few seeds this morning, and that's one of them, i plan to send seeds to 蕙蕙, if you like, i
wow so nice of u !!! thanks a lot ^^ sure i love them ^^
回復 newbie 2009-8-16 18:22
staplefordgem: don't know, i don't have that flower yet, i bought quite few seeds this morning, and that's one of them, i plan to send seeds to 蕙蕙, if you like, i
actually i am looking these seeds ..
回復 staplefordgem 2009-8-16 18:25
newbie: wow so nice of u !!! thanks a lot ^^ sure i love them ^^
you are welcome 說明先,如果長不出芽,哈哈哈可不要怪我噢
回復 newbie 2009-8-16 18:36
staplefordgem: you are welcome說明先,如果長不出芽,哈哈哈可不要怪我噢
wont 怪 u.. only spank u ^^

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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