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staplefordgem 2009-7-16 19:37
how's dinner tonight? who cook? happy dinner
staplefordgem 2009-7-16 17:13
wish your cough will totally be gone pretty soon, take care
GOODluck20x 2009-7-9 12:58
蕙蕙: such a good boy!
GOODluck20x 2009-7-9 12:38
蕙蕙: i found that u have already got a new image. 好好多!someone has solved your problem
GOODluck20x 2009-7-8 14:47
蕙蕙: yes, pls do
GOODluck20x 2009-7-8 12:25
蕙蕙: 你個homepage真係好黑, 好迷幻
妳系第2個咁講   改 color 好d ?
staplefordgem 2009-7-6 20:48
蕙蕙: 我很想你
staplefordgem 2009-7-6 14:51
謎語﹕天鵝一去鳥不回﹐良字去頭雙人陪﹔雙木非林心字低﹐人儿同心结伴行。聪明的妳請猜四個字 get well soon
staplefordgem 2009-7-6 14:05
今天好D未﹖take care
staplefordgem 2009-7-6 01:03
蕙蕙: after i got up this morning, feeling a little bit better.  but most likely still need to see the doctor again.
don't worry, you will get well soon 加油喔!
staplefordgem 2009-7-5 16:08
hi, how are you today? hope you will get well pretty soon, take care
staplefordgem 2009-7-4 13:57
get well soon take great care
staplefordgem 2009-7-3 18:09
蕙蕙: thanks, i will drink more water and get more rest. hopefully i don't need to see the doctor again.how are you?
am good yesterday bought few pots of flowers and transferred them in our big pots, hope they will grow happily in our place, will let you see their pictures one of these days
staplefordgem 2009-7-3 17:58
get well soon take care
staplefordgem 2009-6-30 17:33
蕙蕙: everytime u come back, u are always in a rush, that's why we couldn't have dinner together. next time when u come back, let's set up a date for home c
好呀!下次返去時﹐一定試試你的手藝! (",)
staplefordgem 2009-6-30 01:51
蕙蕙: hi, sis, glad to receive your mail.  i don't know that you are also interested in gardening.  your garden must be very big.  you know, mine is just a
嗨!no a big garden just few plants and flowers by the way, don't know you cook so well saw your dishes in pictures seeing them really makes me watering mouth hahahha
staplefordgem 2009-6-21 02:41
thank you for your beautiful ecard.  thank you for being so thoughtful and sweet   you make my day!
蕙蕙 2009-6-17 15:45
Thx any way!
彩虹婆婆 2009-6-17 15:32
蕙蕙: 如何可以在香港買到大種鐵線蓮種子?


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