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staplefordgem 2009-8-29 13:21
蕙蕙: 肥肥地, cute呀
staplefordgem 2009-8-29 12:41
蕙蕙: u become so fat now
唔制呀,蕙蕙笑我,不過肥都幾好,起碼打風時唔怕被風吹起 哈哈哈
staplefordgem 2009-8-28 18:50
蕙蕙: thank you so much, my lovely sis
staplefordgem 2009-8-28 18:18
嗨!知你鐘意紫色,依家送朵紫色花花比你呀 this flower won't wither and no need for you to water, worried-free hahahahah
newbie 2009-8-22 19:41
蕙蕙: i did water it  before i put it under not too strong sunlight, but some leaves seem to be dried out already.  may be it needs time to get used to this
as i see from your photo, seems still OK :)
newbie 2009-8-22 13:25
蕙蕙: 唔知點解, 棵有lum既夏菫今朝d葉有d謝謝地, 你估乜原因呢
u change pot ??
newbie 2009-8-22 13:24
蕙蕙: 唔知點解, 棵有lum既夏菫今朝d葉有d謝謝地, 你估乜原因呢
give some water ...
vivi2009 2009-8-22 01:16
蕙蕙 種子已經寄出
staplefordgem 2009-8-20 19:43
蕙蕙: 收到啦, thx!
u r welcome, pls email me when they reached you next wk gracias
staplefordgem 2009-8-20 19:27
蕙蕙: will check mail
k, tks if they still not reach your inbox, pls inform me, will try to send them again
staplefordgem 2009-8-20 19:20
蕙蕙: oops, i didn't receive your email. can u send it to me again, pls
k, just sent them now tks,
staplefordgem 2009-8-20 19:05
hi good evening.  may i know were you able to receive the email i sent you yesterday? thank you
polaris 2009-8-6 17:01
蕙蕙: just let us know when u have a plan, ok
Okay, thanks!
polaris 2009-8-6 13:01
蕙蕙: that's why we still have no plan to go travelling this year. usually we try to travel once a year.
It's better wait and see now...I usually visit HK every year, but don't think will make it this year...
polaris 2009-8-6 12:54
蕙蕙: any plan yetor wait till H1N1 is weaker??
No plan yet...Yes, may have to wait and see ....
polaris 2009-8-6 12:50
蕙蕙: look forward to seeing u
Hope the day will come soon...
polaris 2009-8-6 12:45
蕙蕙: 你睇下我地對你幾好, 下次黎hk, 記得通知聲播, cc:
polaris 2009-8-4 18:22
蕙蕙: 今天終於收到你的種子了, 好開心! thx so much!
Happy Growing...
staplefordgem 2009-7-18 18:42
thank you, me too, just cough once in a while, and have some more phlegm
staplefordgem 2009-7-16 20:02
蕙蕙: he is making spaghetti with ham, tomatoes and onion.
wow, yummy yummy add some cheese and pepper to make it more delicious, enjoy your delicious dinner, 你真辛福呀!


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