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mandywowo 2009-9-7 22:19
蕙蕙: 得, 黎緊……
咁耐呀, 宵夜啦
mandywowo 2009-9-7 20:36
蕙蕙: 有呀, 頭先想post相, 但個網又short左, 一陣post番
mandywowo 2009-9-7 20:23
蕙蕙 2009-9-7 18:59
mandywowo 2009-9-7 18:56
蕙蕙: 唔知點解, click回復都冇反應……
by the way, 我d夏菫c剩一棵咋
= 仲有希望
mandywowo 2009-9-7 15:40
newbie 2009-9-5 00:45
ops u replied there hahahaa
newbie 2009-9-5 00:44
read this !!
nwss54510 2009-9-3 19:28
蕙蕙: 我仲以為大棵頂得下添……知唔知點解, 明明成個禮拜至淋水, d葉都會突然軟化左落黎嘅, 焗親? 有菌?
同埋有d葉突然出黃點, 是否有菌?
哩排我都係1星期1次水, 但就好似冇以前1星期2次水好呢~"~
staplefordgem 2009-9-2 22:55
蕙蕙: thx!
you are welcome
staplefordgem 2009-9-2 19:48
蕙蕙: is there any website that u can get these interesting icons
you can type "free emoticons" in the google search engine or yahoo search engine, then they will give you list of many free websites wherein you can choose from
staplefordgem 2009-9-1 23:30
good nite, sleep tight and sweet dreams
nwss54510 2009-9-1 20:14
蕙蕙: 多謝你咁體諒你自己個d花ok嗎?有冇熱親
小苗就冇事, 但有幾盆大棵既頂唔住啦~"~
nwss54510 2009-8-31 23:31
蕙蕙: 可能我間屋太焗, 你俾我個兩棵小av喺呢個月內先後死左, 唔好意思呀
唔好傷心啦~ 天氣真係太熱了@@"
staplefordgem 2009-8-31 17:32
蕙蕙: good afternoon sis
就離good evening 啦
staplefordgem 2009-8-31 17:29
蕙蕙: u seem to be sleeping really tight
c'est la vie (don't know if i spell it right, hahahha )
staplefordgem 2009-8-30 06:31
good morning
staplefordgem 2009-8-30 06:26
good morning
staplefordgem 2009-8-29 22:50
good night sleep tight sweet dreams
staplefordgem 2009-8-29 13:31
蕙蕙: 你冇寫野嘅


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