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Sergio 2012-10-8 19:34
蕙蕙: 我去左honey表妹舊公司座bldg度, 鷹君中心呀
對到正! 所以D相好靚.
Sergio 2012-10-8 19:26
蕙蕙: thx! 你去左邊度睇呀?
山頂!  勁多人.  你呢?
Sergio 2012-10-8 12:00
煙花相好靚呀! 我也有去睇.  
purplestar 2012-10-7 00:27
taboocat 2012-9-11 10:32
蕙蕙: Happy Birthday! 祝身體健康, 日日都咁開心!
staplefordgem 2012-8-27 12:10
蕙蕙: already posted photos of my lovely flowers, i.e. my new icon photo
oh i see, really pretty!  
staplefordgem 2012-8-24 13:37
蕙蕙: my flowers...show you later
can't wait to see them  
keung 2012-8-21 23:08
Sergio 2012-8-21 08:02
mandywowo 2012-8-21 00:00
蕙蕙: 慳番d錢買第樣仲好
mandywowo 2012-8-20 22:45
蕙蕙: 我種左幾次都係花友俾架, 我記得有一次係from eva添架, 可惜都……
呢次我一定唔買啦   thanks  
mandywowo 2012-8-20 22:18
蕙蕙: 所以咪要通知你羅
呢棵我已經好忍手... 其實次次見到都想買左佢...
mandywowo 2012-8-20 22:13
引死人啦... 靚到
staplefordgem 2012-8-20 14:01
蕙蕙: we are just the same...
my auntie told me that she has some improvement in walking with the equipment now
happy to hear that your auntie had improvement    how's your flowers lately?  
staplefordgem 2012-8-17 01:59
蕙蕙: Maybe she needs some time to get her appetite back
hope so    how about you? how's things doing on your side?  How's your auntie?
staplefordgem 2012-8-15 19:32
蕙蕙: oh, poor granny...
She's  home last wk of july.    nowadays, she eat quite minimal, unlike before, she eat plenty food  
ylee 2012-8-13 21:19
蕙蕙: 兩日冇上黎啦, miss 左你個birthday添, 補祝你身體健康, always be happy!!
WAH 2012-7-31 12:41
蕙蕙: Happy Birthday!
祝青春常駐, 身體健康, 日日都咁開心! See you soon!
khlia 2012-7-30 22:18
蕙蕙: 好久不見啦, 祝你生日快樂!
yeahyeah 2012-7-25 23:27
蕙蕙: 哎呀, 你竟然唔記得左Sinn. Guttata 啦    
你講米記得囉 , 我系大頭虾尼, 比左就算, 但我還記得尼隻GE花色好靚, 加油呀


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