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newbie 2011-3-16 06:51
分左比 cara, waiwai, mandy, 黃太 睇下你地邊個快有花啦 :)
newbie 2011-3-15 12:00
cant see photo . 聽下歌先 .. http://www.hkplants.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5413&do=share&id=1611
newbie 2011-3-14 21:21
keung 2011-3-12 09:41
蕙蕙: 知道, 希望佢快d可以俾個"貓"樣你睇啦
keung 2011-3-11 23:27
蕙蕙: 強哥, 種左年幾, 終於有lum啦
newbie 2011-3-11 20:01
蕙蕙: since u didn't mark down their name in the very beginning, u'll definitely mix them up when u have so many flowers
eager to see her face vey so ...
yes.. cant be so lazy now la hehehehee
金剛 2011-3-11 19:56
蕙蕙: 貓鬚草大棵好多啦 , 不過白鶴靈芝過唔到冬天呢……
http://hkplants.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=9270&do=album&picid=111267#pic_block ...
金剛 2011-3-11 19:53
蕙蕙: 貓鬚草大棵好多啦 , 不過白鶴靈芝過唔到冬天呢……
http://hkplants.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=9270&do=album&picid=111267#pic_block ...
newbie 2011-3-11 12:41
蕙蕙: no idea at all, need to see its face first...
if it has no roots, need to put it into water and most probably can keep the bud to bloom, i've tried t ...
i saw yr photo of K Dig.. for mine .. i placed it into soil almost 1 week la.. 好彩個 花苞都開緊. 個樣同之前我有個d唔同.. so excited ^^
newbie 2011-3-11 12:24
any idea what cat is this one ah ?
mandywowo 2011-3-4 19:37
蕙蕙: 哎呀, 個網又short左, 睇唔到相啦
mandywowo 2011-3-4 13:19
webalex 2011-2-28 19:26
蕙蕙:    原來仲係神龍教主添……
webalex 2011-2-28 19:09
蕙蕙: 早幾日至同d花友講起好耐冇見你出現啦, 真係日頭唔好講"超"人……
webalex 2011-2-28 04:39
蕙蕙: 好耐冇見你既每日一花啦
newbie 2011-2-25 08:08
support me pls.. otherwise i dont have rice to eat hahahaa ^^
newbie 2011-2-23 19:14
蕙蕙: i won't go la, wait to receive ur seeds tmr
opsss.. i still not rec the seeds ah .. sigh............
but that means i will see u again soon heheheeeeeeeee
newbie 2011-2-23 00:20
蕙蕙: good啦, 有好野一齊種, yeah~
to me is good.. dont know if u like la hehehe ^^
but 你走唔 'luck' hahahaaaaaaaaa
newbie 2011-2-23 00:15
蕙蕙: what kind of seeds have u ordered? most of their flowers r very beautiful
actually i mentioned that fa fa to u b4 ga la ..............
last year 3 babies came out but after i left.. rip :( cry cry
i must try again & again till i got the fa fa i want hehehehe
今次預左你地d高手 help me .. 一齊種 :)
newbie 2011-2-22 23:53
蕙蕙: wow……great
but already 9 days , still not yet recd .. waiting.. neck is long la.
afraid too hot no good to sow ah ...      

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