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mandywowo 2011-6-9 13:59
蕙蕙: 我會帶Sinn. Silhouette苗仔, 疑似ep. faded jade 同重瓣木槿枝條俾你, An's Bom Dia未有住……
我已經有K. Bach同K. Lucky Lucifer 啦, 反而你好似話俾E. Lemon ...
係呀, 漏左
mandywowo 2011-6-9 09:33
聽日list :# 蕙蕙
K. Bach (未有)
K. lucky lucifer (未有)
K. Jester  
xSmithicodonia 'Heartland's Joy'
buy 吉吉有機肥一包

提你比我 Sinn. Silhouette , An's Bom Dia 仲有???
newbie 2011-6-8 03:53
蕙蕙: http://hkplants.com/home-space-uid-9270-do-album-picid-130900.html
btw, r u joining us for lunch this Friday?
may not la ... this week busy ah @@ but i will be leaving hk in sept la .. so i will quit my job by around end of july .. then can day day tea with u la hehee
KOOKOO 2011-5-30 10:41
今年AV大個女好多, 幫佢地換左大杯住,
keung 2011-5-26 20:56
蕙蕙: 快d配過副眼鏡啦, wakakakakaka……    
keung 2011-5-26 00:13
蕙蕙: 你又眼花睇錯字啦, 我地係食泰國菜, 唔係素菜呀……
mandywowo 2011-5-24 22:13
newbie 2011-5-24 00:30
finally can see the fa fa la :)
keung 2011-5-22 21:53
蕙蕙: 唔明wor……
staplefordgem 2011-5-22 14:10
蕙蕙: thx again my dear, dear, dearest sis!
u r welcome
keung 2011-5-21 13:54
蕙蕙: 冇呀, 去左食泰菜咋, 冇乜特別節目呀
newbie 2011-5-21 01:13
蕙蕙: last night had Thai food la, quite nice, only honey and I, 撐臺腳
i know only u and him la ... your big day ma .. must be 2 ppl world ^^
sweet to    la, right ^^
keung 2011-5-20 23:02
蕙蕙: thx, 強哥!
DORA 2011-5-20 14:10
蕙蕙: thx!
you are welcome!
臭皮皮 2011-5-20 14:03
蕙蕙: thx, 皮皮!
newbie 2011-5-20 13:40
蕙蕙: thx sis!
wow finally u are here .. yesterday go where to wet wet ah hehehe happy la
小紅楓 2011-5-20 03:10
Happy Birthday 蕙蕙,Have a great day!!
newbie 2011-5-20 03:05
staplefordgem 2011-5-20 01:14
happy birthday my dearest sis
newbie 2011-5-19 23:33


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