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Honey's Birthday Dinner

熱度 4已有 834 次閱讀2013-1-21 19:18

一月十三日是honey的生日, 難得是星期天, 我們一行九人又浩浩蕩蕩出發, 往尖沙咀的一間餐廳慶祝他的生晨。

雖然沒有特別訂房, 但餐廳很貼心地為我們安排了一間擺放了長臺的房, 讓我們可以自成一閣地慶祝。



Greek Salad

新鮮且暖的法飽, 特別好吃!

慢煮63度雞蛋伴黑松露炒野菌 (拌蛋前)

慢煮63度雞蛋伴黑松露炒野菌 (拌蛋後)



香蕉班戟, yum yum!

發表評論 評論 (18 個評論)

回復 chau_lyc 2013-1-22 14:22
好彩食完飯先睇啫 生日快樂呀
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-22 14:52
chau_lyc: 好彩食完飯先睇啫 生日快樂呀
回復 newbie 2013-1-22 15:57
belated happppppppppppy birthday ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-22 16:05
newbie: belated happppppppppppy birthday ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
thx sis!
回復 newbie 2013-1-22 20:33
蕙蕙: thx sis!
u    or its from yr honey ?? hehehehee
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-22 21:53
newbie: u      or its from yr honey ?? hehehehee
as u wish la...
回復 keung 2013-1-22 23:19
回復 keung 2013-1-22 23:19
回復 newbie 2013-1-23 03:10
蕙蕙: as u wish la...
then ........ from .................. UUUUUUUUUUUUU la hehehee ^^
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-23 13:37
keung: 窩心
同強嫂去試下啦, 唔錯架
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-23 13:38
newbie: then ........ from .................. UUUUUUUUUUUUU la hehehee ^^
no problem, give u a BIG KISSSSSSSS
回復 DORA 2013-1-23 16:56
你 honey 實甜到入心啦!
回復 newbie 2013-1-23 17:08
蕙蕙: no problem, give u a BIG KISSSSSSSS
thanks ........... :) sister .. do u have time to arrange gathering with flower friends ah.. many of them long time no see la ... ie. eva, caca, katherine etc etc ... heheee
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-23 22:36
DORA: 個樣好靚好好味
你 honey 實甜到入心啦!
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-23 22:38
newbie: thanks ........... :) sister .. do u have time to arrange gathering with flower friends ah.. many of them long time no see la ... ie. eva, caca, kathe ...
I want to arrange a gathering too but I've been sick for over a week and now I'm busy with starting 大掃除
回復 newbie 2013-1-24 17:16
蕙蕙: I want to arrange a gathering too but I've been sick for over a week and now I'm busy with starting 大掃除
oooh ........... do it when u have time pls :) thanksssssssss  
回復 蕙蕙 2013-1-24 22:21
newbie: oooh ........... do it when u have time pls :) thanksssssssss   
回復 newbie 2013-1-29 18:39
蕙蕙: ok!
this sat tea one tea ?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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