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薰衣草種子 - from staplefordgem

熱度 4上傳於 2010-4-26 23:46 (45 KB)

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回復 Ulrica 2010-4-26 23:54
回復 蕙蕙 2010-4-27 00:10
Ulrica: 種子加油
不過好多苗生生下又會自然淘汰, 呢只仲只出得一棵苗添
回復 Ulrica 2010-4-27 00:12
蕙蕙: 不過好多苗生生下又會自然淘汰, 呢只仲只出得一棵苗添
自然淘汰係定理黎, 唔怕, 總之 '加油'
回復 蕙蕙 2010-4-27 00:13
Ulrica: 自然淘汰係定理黎, 唔怕, 總之 '加油'
or 加播多幾粒種子羅
回復 Ulrica 2010-4-27 00:14
蕙蕙: or 加播多幾粒種子羅
咁一邊加油, 一邊加碼 (種子) 啦
回復 蕙蕙 2010-4-27 00:20
Ulrica: 咁一邊加油, 一邊加碼 (種子) 啦
回復 蕙蕙 2010-4-27 00:21
Ulrica: 咁一邊加油, 一邊加碼 (種子) 啦
btw, 你上次比我塊葉已經有葉仔出啦
回復 Ulrica 2010-4-27 00:24
蕙蕙: btw, 你上次比我塊葉已經有葉仔出啦
回復 staplefordgem 2010-4-27 03:25
add oil add oil baby seed
回復 蕙蕙 2010-4-27 16:23
Ulrica: 叻叻
回復 蕙蕙 2010-4-27 16:27
staplefordgem: add oil add oil baby seed
都唔知播唔播多d種子好, 發芽率唔多高, 又要等好耐至發到出黎
回復 staplefordgem 2010-4-27 16:29
蕙蕙: 都唔知播唔播多d種子好, 發芽率唔多高, 又要等好耐至發到出黎
try and try until u succeed
回復 蕙蕙 2010-4-27 16:34
staplefordgem: try and try until u succeed
ok, let me sow some more seeds this weekend
回復 staplefordgem 2010-4-27 16:41
蕙蕙: ok, let me sow some more seeds this weekend
回復 蕙蕙 2010-4-27 16:44
staplefordgem: 謝謝
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