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不知名喜蔭 - shared from newbie

熱度 2上傳於 2009-11-20 22:49 (39.1 KB)

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回復 newbie 2009-11-20 23:20
very healthy la !! great !
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-20 23:39
newbie: very healthy la !! great !
回復 newbie 2009-11-20 23:41
goodluck said its seems like pink panther , good luck !!
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-20 23:53
newbie: goodluck said its seems like pink panther , good luck !!
u do have pink panther, right
回復 newbie 2009-11-21 09:21
蕙蕙: u do have pink panther, right
yes i 've .. but cant remember which pot and long time no fa fa la @@
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-23 11:34
newbie: yes i 've .. but cant remember which pot and long time no fa fa la @@
then maybe i have to wait until it has flowers to confirm then, as its leaves also look like Ep Fanny Haague
回復 newbie 2009-11-25 06:58
蕙蕙: then maybe i have to wait until it has flowers to confirm then, as its leaves also look like Ep Fanny Haague
wont be fanny haague because i dont have this type la ^^
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-25 11:14
newbie: wont be fanny haague because i dont have this type la ^^
that's good, at least i can eliminate this possibility
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