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熱度 7上傳於 2009-11-9 18:04 (39.5 KB)

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回復 staplefordgem 2009-11-9 23:57
the leaves are unique
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-10 00:13
staplefordgem: the leaves are unique
i love the leaves so much that's why i picked this one even it doesn't have flowers/bulbs yet
回復 newbie 2009-11-11 10:50
what colour of the fa fa pls hehee
the leaves are very nice ah !!!!!!!!!!
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-11 11:59
newbie: what colour of the fa fa pls hehee
the leaves are very nice ah !!!!!!!!!!
since it's new type, no photo yet, even 發叔is not sure of the colour of the flowers, have to wait & c
i mainly love the leaves
回復 newbie 2009-11-11 12:03
蕙蕙: since it's new type, no photo yet, even 發叔is not sure of the colour of the flowers, have to wait & c
i mainly love the leaves
iciccc.. i hope is white / green or yellow hehee
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-11 12:11
newbie: iciccc.. i hope is white / green or yellow hehee
maybe pink...
回復 newbie 2009-11-11 12:11
蕙蕙: maybe pink...
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-11 12:17
newbie: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
i don't mind, any colour is fine with me
回復 holly 2009-11-13 22:53
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-13 23:10
holly: nice....
but don't know the colour of its flowers yet, new species...but i mainly like the leaves
回復 holly 2009-11-13 23:16
蕙蕙: but don't know the colour of its flowers yet, new species...but i mainly like the leaves
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-13 23:45
holly: 加油,好快會有花睇了,等待你既花花....
回復 nwss54510 2009-11-17 13:52
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-17 20:02
nwss54510: 有花lum未呀~??
買左一個week者, 仲未有
基本上連我由苗開始種個d, 而家過左兩個幾月都未見有花lum
回復 nwss54510 2009-11-17 20:08
蕙蕙: 買左一個week者, 仲未有
基本上連我由苗開始種個d, 而家過左兩個幾月都未見有花lum
小苗應該冇咁快有花~ 哩盆可以谷下佢了~
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-17 22:01
nwss54510: 小苗應該冇咁快有花~ 哩盆可以谷下佢了~
回復 nwss54510 2009-11-18 13:36
蕙蕙: 已開始落水肥(花肥)啦
回復 蕙蕙 2009-11-18 16:02
nwss54510: 期待佢開花丫~
回復 keung 2010-5-10 20:17
回復 蕙蕙 2010-5-10 22:49
keung: 超靚斑葉
你睇下個日子, 舊年11月買架喇, 不過仲未有lum
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