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上傳於 2009-7-24 16:42 (73.7 KB)

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回復 newbie 2009-7-25 18:58
add oil...... i am waiting for Babiessssssss ^^
回復 蕙蕙 2009-7-28 22:44
newbie: add oil...... i am waiting for Babiessssssss ^^
回復 newbie 2009-7-29 14:07
蕙蕙: 今日開始開花啦,黃色架遲d睇下有冇種子留到啦
neck is longggggggggggggggg la...
how about those old flowers ?? any babies?
回復 蕙蕙 2009-8-2 10:45
newbie: neck is longggggggggggggggg la...
how about those old flowers ?? any babies?
the old red one is dried and hanging on the plant. since u asked me to wait for 11/2mth before checking the seeds, will let u know the result in the middle of this mth.
回復 newbie 2009-8-4 00:30
蕙蕙: the old red one is dried and hanging on the plant. since u asked me to wait for 11/2mth before checking the seeds, will let u know the result in the m
0k. thanks and good luck to us :)
回復 蕙蕙 2009-8-4 17:25
newbie: 0k. thanks and good luck to us :)

by the way, 2 more lum have shown up in these few days. wait to see their colour.
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