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牛牛, 秋海棠和 Sinn super orange bbs, all from newbie, hope they will grow, grow, grow, quickly

上傳於 2009-6-28 14:34 (103 KB)

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回復 Evalam 2009-6-28 14:40
newbie噚日都俾咗d bb我,一齊俾心機種啦....
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 14:55
thanks for taking care of them ^^ happy planting and 快高長大, 開枝散葉 :)
by the way super orange should be Sinn super orange (for yr info)... i am lazy to say full name hehehee
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 14:56
tell me later how many 秋海棠 你分到盆:) hehhee ^^
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 14:56
Evalam: newbie噚日都俾咗d bb我,一齊俾心機種啦....
thanks for taking care of them ^^
回復 Evalam 2009-6-28 15:15
newbie: thanks for taking care of them ^^
多謝你,我會好俾心機湊大d bb
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-28 15:19
Evalam: newbie噚日都俾咗d bb我,一齊俾心機種啦....
我都有聽佢提起, 加油呀!
回復 Evalam 2009-6-28 15:20
蕙蕙: 我都有聽佢提起,加油呀!
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 15:23
Evalam: 多謝你,我會好俾心機湊大d bb
thx too my dear.. i know u will
but 好彩我比左d fat 你, u so 'fit' no 'fat' D 花大得慢.hahahaaaaa
回復 Evalam 2009-6-28 15:28
newbie: thx too my dear.. i know u will
but 好彩我比左dfat你, u so 'fit' no 'fat' D 花大得慢.hahahaaaaa
i have my fat and hide somewhere u cannot see ....
加埋你d fat fat ... d bb 會好快快高長大
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 15:29
Evalam: i have my fat and hide somewhere u cannot see ....加埋你d fat fat ... d bb 會好快快高長大
好 !!好 !!好 !! yeah !!  
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-28 15:31
newbie: thanks for taking care of them ^^ happy planting and 快高長大, 開枝散葉 :)
by the way super orange should be Sinn super orange (for yr info)... i am l
then what is its chinese name
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-28 15:32
newbie: tell me later how many 秋海棠 你分到盆:) hehhee ^^
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 15:37
蕙蕙: then what is its chinese name
i think no official chinese name... ppl here called them 超級橙.hahaa
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-28 15:40
newbie: i think no official chinese name... ppl here called them 超級橙.hahaa
i hope they will grow quickly as they are soooooo small in the meantime
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 15:43
蕙蕙: i hope they will grow quickly as they are soooooo small in the meantime
yes yes ,  under your good care , will grow fast la...
at my home, too many babies, not enough time for them ^^
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 15:44
蕙蕙: i hope they will grow quickly as they are soooooo small in the meantime
by the way, is one cow cow have 花苞 la ??
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-28 15:46
newbie: yes yes ,  under your good care , will grow fast la...
at my home, too many babies, not enough time for them ^^
of course, u got too many babies to take care :)
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-28 15:49
newbie: by the way, is one cow cow have 花苞 la ??
not too explicit, will let u know later
回復 newbie 2009-6-28 15:50
蕙蕙: not too explicit, will let u know later
take photo then can see more clear ^^
回復 蕙蕙 2009-6-28 15:56
newbie: take photo then can see more clear ^^
i closely look at it personally but still cannot tell
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