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冬瓜薏米煲鴨湯 (13/8)

熱度 3上傳於 2012-8-15 16:31 (67 KB)

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回復 tsoiyiu1009 2012-8-15 19:58
回復 蕙蕙 2012-8-15 20:01
做乜 呀?
回復 tsoiyiu1009 2012-8-15 20:05
蕙蕙: 做乜 呀?
回復 適少少 2012-8-15 20:13
隻鴨有掌    冰鮮冇架
回復 蕙蕙 2012-8-17 00:13
tsoiyiu1009: 見到你d迷湯湯渣都經已暈倒囉~
d湯渣太多, 結果我地分左3日至食完大部份呀   
回復 蕙蕙 2012-8-17 00:17
適少少: 隻鴨有掌      冰鮮冇架
我呢只街市買都係冰鮮架啦, 不過冇內臟就真
回復 tsoiyiu1009 2012-8-17 15:22
蕙蕙: d湯渣太多, 結果我地分左3日至食完大部份呀    
回復 蕙蕙 2012-8-17 19:26
tsoiyiu1009: 果然足料靚湯~
一係唔煲, 一煲就飲3、4日架喇
回復 staplefordgem 2012-8-20 14:12
just wonder who finish these stuffs that night? u or h?  
回復 蕙蕙 2012-8-20 17:33
staplefordgem: just wonder who finish these stuffs that night? u or h?   
H helped me preparing the soup but I cooked the crab that night, while he steamed the prawns the other night
回復 staplefordgem 2012-8-24 13:33
蕙蕙: H helped me preparing the soup but I cooked the crab that night, while he steamed the prawns the other night
wow, what a team!    job well done, chefs!  
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