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我的第一棵迷岩...Sinn Lavendar Queen (多謝newbie的分享)

熱度 6已有 470 次閱讀2011-2-21 22:46

newbie真係好好人,除咗分享咗兩棵咁可愛的Sinn Lavendar Queen BB 之外,重send咗d好有用的資料比我lee個迷岩新手~



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回復 newbie 2011-2-22 08:49
加油呀  babies .. when u sprayed the leaves of 海豚花,  dont put under sun light.. u know ga la.. and Sinn Lavendar Queen 最好唔好 make the leaves wet otherwise the leaves 好易爛 :)
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-22 21:50
newbie: 加油呀  babies .. when u sprayed the leaves of 海豚花,  dont put under sun light.. u know ga la.. and Sinn Lavendar Queen 最好唔好 make the leaves wet ...
回復 newbie 2011-2-22 23:42
Poppylily: 佢哋而家都响浴室窗邊暫住,因為嗰道有光不過唔晒~
wow thats great !! wet wet  地  tim :)
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-23 01:04
newbie: wow thats great !! wet wet  地  tim :)
回復 newbie 2011-2-23 11:40
Poppylily: 等佢哋大d先搬番去大廳窗邊~
great !!! .... ^^ and then give little 'fat' soon will have many fa fa ga la
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-23 20:36
newbie: great !!! .... ^^ and then give little 'fat' soon will have many fa fa ga la
Well noted!
回復 newbie 2011-2-23 20:42
Poppylily: Well noted!
for sinn LQ, if u see that its healthy, can give more sun light, some of mine not enough sun light, the leaves getting yellow :(
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-23 20:50
newbie: for sinn LQ, if u see that its healthy, can give more sun light, some of mine not enough sun light, the leaves getting yellow :(
回復 newbie 2011-2-23 20:53
Poppylily: 我見佢哋好似都好適應咁~
thanks nice .. cos many babies @ my home.. not enough window 邊 for them to live ... thats why not enough sun shine :(
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-23 21:00
newbie: thanks nice .. cos many babies @ my home.. not enough window 邊 for them to live ... thats why not enough sun shine :(
回復 newbie 2011-2-23 21:10
Poppylily: 再努力
tomorrow will share some to flower friends (得獎者).. they got new mum .. will be better ga la ^^
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-24 01:07
newbie: tomorrow will share some to flower friends (得獎者).. they got new mum .. will be better ga la ^^
回復 Evalam 2011-2-24 17:17
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-25 01:08

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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