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熱度 2上傳於 2011-10-2 19:26 (90 KB)

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回復 caca8j 2011-10-3 22:18
一個月內有花,好快呀! 可惜我唔鍾意酢醬草 唔係都可以種番一堆玩下
回復 Poppylily 2011-10-3 23:35
caca8j: 一個月內有花,好快呀! 可惜我唔鍾意酢醬草 唔係都可以種番一堆玩下
回復 newbie 2011-10-3 23:37
i feel that 'she' is 最快有花的植物 (starting from a root ^^) 好有滿足感 :)
回復 Poppylily 2011-10-3 23:40
newbie: i feel that 'she' is 最快有花的植物 (starting from a root ^^) 好有滿足感 :)
係呀 真係好有滿足感  
回復 newbie 2011-10-3 23:42
Poppylily: 係呀 真係好有滿足感   
:) ^^ soon will have more fafa ga then u will more happy ^^ 我 lee 邊好冷, d babies growing so slow ... 我估都唔知d babies 等唔等到 warm D    
回復 Poppylily 2011-10-4 00:16
newbie: :) ^^ soon will have more fafa ga then u will more happy ^^ 我 lee 邊好冷, d babies growing so slow ... 我估都唔知d babies 等唔等到 warm D       ...
回復 newbie 2011-10-4 06:23
Poppylily: 你得嘅!
try my best la . .hope can have Mr Sun more more time la @@
回復 Poppylily 2011-10-4 11:38
newbie: try my best la . .hope can have Mr Sun more more time la @@
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