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熱度 1上傳於 2011-2-21 20:27 (821 KB)

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回復 newbie 2011-2-21 20:32
i like the smell
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-21 22:10
newbie: i like the smell
Yes, I like too~
回復 newbie 2011-2-21 22:34
Poppylily: Yes, I like too~
i like mint too .. can make drinks
回復 newbie 2011-2-22 09:10
Poppylily: Yes, I like too~
but cant make drinks , can we ? or can we use to cook ??? so thick seems a bit 怪 if use to cook .. hahhaaa
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-22 20:33
newbie: but cant make drinks , can we ? or can we use to cook ??? so thick seems a bit 怪 if use to cook .. hahhaaa
回復 newbie 2011-2-22 23:49
Poppylily: 黃太話lee隻可以沖茶同煲湯ga~
沖茶同煲湯 --- wow.. did u try ?? i will meet her on thur, let me ask her how to 沖茶 ^^
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-23 01:12
newbie: 沖茶同煲湯 --- wow.. did u try ?? i will meet her on thur, let me ask her how to 沖茶 ^^
回復 newbie 2011-2-23 11:38
Poppylily: lee隻倒手香就得,班葉就唔得~
u tried la ?
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-23 20:32
newbie: u tried la ?
回復 newbie 2011-2-23 20:45
mrs wong's many white colour ah .... u add oil la !!!
回復 Poppylily 2011-2-23 20:52
newbie: mrs wong's many white colour ah .... u add oil la !!!
回復 newbie 2011-2-23 20:54
and the fa fa very nice too.. u must add more oil !!!!!!!! i wish to have one too hehhee... just asked if mrs wong can share me one ^^ hehe ^^ then i can have 'green colour' fa fa... my dream fafa !!!!!!!!
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