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Sumbie的個人空間 https://hkplants.com/?83320 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


facelist doodle塗鴉板

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bobyjj 2015-7-25 12:37
thank you very much.  班蘭苗一棵就好了.  回港後跟你聯絡.
lola 2013-3-2 08:04
可以出post 関於無花果
lola 2013-3-2 08:03
Sumbie 2013-2-5 12:15
Yes i'm planning to plant a few. i've indeeded got a few Israel fig seeds but they haven't germinated yet...
lola 2013-2-5 09:33
Hi Sumbie ,
Welcome to join our fig club.  Do you have any experience on planting fig or you're about to plant any?


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